(A)   Purpose. The regulations of the R-2-1 special residence district are intended to maintain and strengthen the unique physical environment in an older established residential area, while providing for imaginative and compatible adaptive use of structures which cannot be economically maintained for their original intended use. There are specific physical characteristics which contribute to the unique environment. Older residential structures of varied architectural character include examples of historic styles. The visual landscape along the street frontage is characterized by mature vegetation and lawns. The spacing of existing structures in relationship to the street creates a scale that is spacious and in proportion with the traditional residential character. In order to preserve the physical character of the area, the R-2-1 District provides for certain special uses of a nonresidential character which will be compatible with and adaptable to the residential structures in the district. These uses are intended to be compatible with the traditional residential character of the area, and establishment of a special use should be based upon maintenance and enhancement of the essential physical character of a property, including the exterior facade of the principal structure, the visual appearance of the front and side yard area, existing vegetation, landscape character and traffic patterns.
   (B)   Permitted uses. No building or land shall be used and no building shall hereafter be erected, structurally altered or enlarged unless otherwise provided except for the following uses:
      (1)   Any of the uses permitted in R-1 and R-2 Districts;
      (2)   Existing structures designed for single-family use may be converted for use for not more than four families, provided that all other requirements of this division are complied with.
   (C)   Special uses. Special uses may be allowed if their site locations and proposed development plans are first approved as provided in §§ 152.170 through 152.181, and in accordance with the provisions of this section.
      (1)   The following special uses may be allowed:
         (a)   Churches, rectories and similar religious institutions and other accessory uses required for operation.
         (b)   Professional offices, including medical and dental offices and group medical practices, but not including emergency or outpatient clinics or veterinary clinics.
         (c)   Philanthropic or charitable uses or institutions.
         (d)   Private clubs and lodges, except those the chief activity of which is a service normally carried on as a business.
         (e)   Gift shops.
         (f)   Photography studios.
         (g)   Opticians.
         (h)   Antique shops, but not including resale of secondhand items.
         (i)   Art galleries and studios.
         (j)   Florist shops for retail trade on the premises only.
         (k)   Interior decorating shops, limited to retail trade only.
         (l)   Picture framing when conducted for retail trade.
         (m)   Restaurants, but not of the carry-out, drive-in or fast-food type; and provided that service of alcoholic beverages shall be incidental to the service of meals to patrons.
         (n)   Sale of hand-made crafts and needlework.
         (o)   Boutique, where the primary function is the retail sale of women's, men's and/or children's apparel and accessories; and which may also include as an incidental function the retail sale of related items, such as toiletries, antiques, flowers, imported gifts, and home furnishing accessories.
         (p)   Fitness and exercise center.
         (q)   Beauty shops.
         (r)   Weddings, banquets and reception halls.
      (2)   Special uses shall be subject to the following additional conditions:
         (a)   The exterior appearance of the structure shall not be altered, except as required to conform to city codes or to restore the structure to its original architectural character.
         (b)   Signage shall be limited to one post or ground sign on the property, not to exceed six feet in height, with no face of the sign to exceed 16 square feet in area, and no dimension to exceed six feet.
         (c)   Off-street parking shall not be located in front of the established front building line, and shall be screened so that it is not visible from the street.
         (d)   Side and rear lot lines abutting residentially zoned property shall be subject to the screening requirements of the B-1 district.
         (e)   The operating hours of the special use may be limited and no exterior sound display shall be permitted.
   (D)   Automobile parking and loading facilities. Automobile parking and loading facilities shall be provided as required or permitted in §§ 152.110 through 152.115. Off-street parking shall not be permitted in the front yard nor in a required side yard.
   (E)   Lot areas. The same requirements shall apply as in the R-2 District.
      (1)   Nonconforming lots of record. Notwithstanding any other provisions to the contrary in the this code, any lot of record, on the effective date hereof, that does not comply with the requirements of the district in which it is located as to lot area, lot width and/or lot depth, may be used for the erection and/or replacement of a building intended for a use permitted in the district in which the lot is located provided, however, that such building complies with all setback requirements delineated on the recorded plat of subdivision (or if not so recorded, if the lot in question was created of record on or before January 1,2014, said lot may utilize the setback requirements of the zoning ordinance in effect immediately prior to said date) for that lot and all other applicable requirements of this code. Further, if the principal structure on the lot of record is damaged and the owner desires to rebuild it, then it may be rebuilt upon the same footprint as the damaged structure even though it may not comply with the then applicable setback requirements. And, lastly, no property owner of any lot shall convey any part of said lot if the lot is then not in compliance with the minimum area, width or depth required by the code or, if not in compliance therewith on the effective date of an ordinance relating to this issue would result further non-compliance.
   (F)   Yard areas. The same requirements shall apply as in the R-2 District.
   (G)   Maximum floor area ratios. The same requirements shall apply as in the R-2 District.
(Ord. passed 8-4-86; Am. Ord. 93-04, passed 7-6-93; Am. Ord. 07-06, passed 3-19-07; Am. Ord. 14-01, passed 1-20-14)