(A)   No licensee shall use, operate or employ any such device within the city limits on Sunday, or after the hour of 8:00 p.m. prevailing time of any day; no licensee shall use, operate or employ any such device within a radius of two blocks from any hospital or within the radius of two blocks from any church while funeral services are being held there.
   (B)   This section shall not apply to radios in homes or in private pleasure vehicles, when the same are operated in such manner as not to be audible at the distance of 50 feet from such vehicle, nor to noise devices, bands or other musical devices used in any public parade or procession which is operated under a permit in accordance with the ordinances of this city.
   (C)   No license shall cause or permit to emanate or emit from any such device any lewd, obscene, profane or indecent language or sounds, or any false representation of any matter, product or project advertised thereby the sale of which is prohibited by any law, ordinance or statute.
('72 Code, § 95.024) Penalty, see § 91.99