(a)   One copy of the application for amendment shall be immediately transmitted by the Fiscal Officer to the Planning Commission for its consideration.  In the case of a resolution by Council, the resolution shall be immediately transmitted to the Planning Commission for its consideration.  The Planning Commission shall prepare a written report for Council within sixty days of receipt of the application or resolution.  The report shall contain written statements of the approval, disapproval or modification of the Commission, together with the reasons for its decision and the relation of the decision to the rest of the Zoning Code and to any accepted Village Comprehensive Plan.  Upon receipt of the report from the Planning Commission, Council shall schedule a public hearing within forty days and consider the proposed amendment according to procedures established by the Ohio Revised Code.  Within thirty days after the public hearing, Council shall either adopt or deny the recommendations of the Planning Commission or adopt some modification thereof.
(Ord. 710-78.  Passed 9-19-78; Ord. 1420-12.  Passed 10-30-12.)
   (b)   No ordinance which violates, differs from or departs from the Planning Commission's recommendation, plan or report shall take effect unless passed by not less than three-fourths of the full membership of Council.  No ordinance which agrees with the recommendation, plan or report of the Planning Commission shall take effect unless passed by a majority of members elected to Council.  Each ordinance shall be read by title only, provided that Council may require any reading to be in full by a majority vote of its members.  No ordinance shall be passed unless it has been read on three different days, provided that Council may dispense with this rule by a vote of a least three-fourths of its members.  Emergency ordinances shall only take immediate effect if voted by two-thirds of all members elected to Council and if the reasons for such emergency are stated in one section of the ordinance.  No ordinance passed by Council, other than an emergency ordinance, shall take effect until ten days after the first publication or until thirty days after passage, whichever is the later date.
(Ord. 740-80.  Passed 9-2-80.)