(a)   The following penalties shall be enforced upon the failure of any employee to follow the directions of the Mayor, Council or department heads:
      (1)   Infractions of lesser severity such as:
         A.   Late for work, tardiness;
         B.   Failure to report for work;
         C.   Failure to report off due to sickness or other emergency; and
         D.   Making false reports regarding absences shall result in the following disciplinary action:
            1.   For a first offense, a written reprimand;
            2.   For a second offense, three days suspension without pay;
            3.   For a third offense, five days suspension without pay;
            4.   For a fourth offense, discharge.
      (2)   High severity infractions shall include, but not be limited to:
         A.   Theft;
         B.   Insubordination;
         C.   Use of drugs on the job, other than prescription;
         D.   Wanton or willful neglect or carelessness in the performance of duties assigned or in the care or use of Village property;
         E.   Use of drugs or intoxicating beverages during working hours or reporting to work under the influence of drugs or intoxicants;
         F.   Gambling on Village property; and
         G.   Intimidating, threatening or assaulting a supervisor, department head, fellow worker or Village official or causing a fight during working hours.
      Any of the above infractions or any others which fall within this category may result in the immediate discharge of the employee or employees involved.
      The supervisor or department head shall report infractions in writing to the Mayor, who, after reviewing the charges, shall discharge the employee.
      The discharged employee may appeal the Mayor's action within five days of the discharge date, in writing, to Council.  Council shall hear the employee's appeal at its next regularly scheduled meeting in the manner provided for in Ohio R.C. 737.19.
   (b)   Upon discharge of any employee for cause, no employee shall be re-instated without the prior consent of Council.
   (c)   All written reprimands and three-day suspensions may be appealed to the Mayor, in writing, by the employee, within five days of the reprimand or suspension.  The Mayor's decision shall be final and Council shall not entertain appeals of such disciplinary actions.  Five-day suspensions may be appealed by following the procedures outlined for discharged employees.
   (d)   All disciplinary and reprimand actions shall be recorded on proper forms.  Five copies of such action shall be made and distributed as follows:
      (1)   One copy to Council;
      (2)   One copy to the Mayor;
      (3)   One copy to the department head;
      (4)   One copy to the employee; and
      (5)   One copy to the employee's file.
(Ord. 718-79.  Passed 2-20-79.)