Before issuing a license to any person for the collection of garbage or rubbish, the Fiscal Officer shall require such person to give bond and to abide by the following regulations:
(a) All collectors must show ownership of equipment conforming to the specifications set forth herein. All equipment shall be cleaned at sufficient frequency to prevent odor, nuisance or insect breeding and shall be maintained in good order. The Police Department shall make periodic checks of vehicles used. The equipment must be of the packer type with all-steel enclosed boxes and must be watertight. The applicant must show the number of trucks to be used.
(b) All collectors of garbage and rubbish must assume full responsibility for disposal of garbage and rubbish. Charges for license fees for garbage and rubbish collection shall be one hundred dollars ($100.00) per year, effective upon passage of this section. The license shall be subject to revocation for a violation of any of the provisions of this chapter. Notice of revocation shall be served upon the licensee or collector, in writing, within five working days prior to revocation. the licensee or collector shall have the right to a hearing to be held before Council.
(c) Collection at any home contracted to the licensee shall be made at least once per week.
(d) No license shall be issued to a collector allowing service of contracts with commercial or industrial users of such service unless the collector-licensee is able to furnish containers, if such containers are required, and to provide for daily collections, if required by the user. Containers provided for commercial or industrial users must be portable with a minimum capacity of two cubic yards, must have watertight doors or lids and must be verminproof. The container shall be maintained and kept closed.
(Ord. 927-93. Passed 4-6-93.)
(e) All collections within the Village Center Commercial District shall be between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Collections in all other areas shall be between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. No collections shall be made on Sunday, unless at the direction of Council.
(Ord. 1008-96. Passed 3-19-96.)
(f) The licensee must carry property damage and public liability insurance in a minimum amount of seven hundred fifty thousand dollars ($750,000) combined single limit liability per occurrence. The certificate of insurance must be deposited with the Fiscal Officer prior to commencing operations. In addition, the licensee must agree, in writing, to indemnify and hold harmless the Village from any liability pertaining to the licensee's services.
(Ord. 927-93. Passed 4-6-93; Ord. 1420-12. Passed 10-30-12.)