Approved street trees planted in the Village shall have a minimum caliper of two inches at the time of planting. The Tree Commissioner or Agent shall recommend site appropriate trees according to species and size. When possible, tree species should be alternated.
   (a)   Tree Spacing. The spacing of public tree will be in accordance with the two species size classes referred to in the Tree Commissioner's list of street trees. Trees may not be planted closer together than the following distances:
         Small Trees - fifteen feet
         Large Trees - twenty-five feet
      Planting distances may widen depending on tree species. All planting locations shall be approved by the Village Tree Commissioner or Agent.
   (b)   Distance from Curb and Sidewalk. The distance public trees may be planted from curbs or curblines and sidewalks will be in accordance with the two species size classes in the Tree Commissioner's list of street trees and no trees may be closer to the curb of sidewalk than the following:
         Small trees: two feet (minimum of a four foot wide treelawn)
         Large trees: four feet, (minimum of a six foot wide treelawn), except in special plantings designed or approved by the Tree Commissioner or their agent.
   (c)   Utilities. It is prohibited that any public trees other than those species size classes referred in the Tree Commissioner's or their agent's' list of street trees shall be planted as follows:
      (1)   Small trees may be planted under or within ten lateral feet of any overhead utility wire, or over or within five lateral feet of any underground water line, sewer line, transmission line or other utility, unless granted specific permission of the Tree Commissioner or their agent.
      (2)   Large trees may be planted within twenty lateral feet of any overhead utility wire, or within ten lateral feet of any underground water line, sewer line, transmission line or other utility, unless granted specific permission of the Tree Commissioner or their agent.
(Ord. 1108-99.  Passed 7-20-99; Ord. 1571-19.  Passed 12-17-19.)