The following structures and uses may be permitted in a riparian setback, subject to the approval of an application for a zoning certificate by the Zoning Inspector and in accordance with the following regulations and such other applicable regulations contained in this zoning resolution. When granting zoning certificates for the following uses, the Zoning Inspector may, for good cause, attach such conditions as it deems appropriate. Certificates issued under this chapter are issued to the applicant only, shall not be transferred, and shall be void if not implemented within one year of issuance.
(a) Crossings. Crossings of designated watercourses through riparian setbacks with roads, driveways, easements, bridges, culverts, utility service lines, or other means may be permitted provided such crossings minimize disturbance in riparian setbacks and mitigate any necessary disturbances. Such crossings shall be designed by a professional engineer and only be undertaken upon approval of a crossing plan by the Village of Poland Zoning Inspector. Any costs associated with review of crossing plans may be assessed to the applicant.
(b) Streambank Stabilization Projects. Streambank stabilization projects along designated watercourses may be allowed, provided that such measures use natural stream channel design principles. Such streambank stabilization measures shall only be undertaken upon approval of a streambank stabilization plan by the Zoning Inspector. Any costs associated with review of streambank stabilization plans may be assessed to the applicant.
(Ord. 1303-07. Passed 3-20-07.)