5.28.120: STAFFING:
   A.   Staff on Premises: Each childcare provider must ensure that one licensed staff member who is at least eighteen (18) years of age remains on the premises at all times when children are present at the facility. When providing direct care for a child or children, licensed staff members seventeen (17) years of age or younger must be under the direct supervision of an adult staff member. Staff members seventeen (17) years of age or younger may be counted as one (1) staff member for the purposes of complying with the staff/child ratio.
   B.   Childcare Center: Childcare center providers must ensure that there is at least one licensed staff member in the portion of the premises, whether indoors or outdoors, where the children are located at any given time; this staffing ratio must also be maintained both off and on premises whenever any children under a provider's care are off the premises.
   C.   Family Childcare: Family childcare providers must be within sight or hearing of the children who are inside the facility at all times including nap time and must be able to immediately assist a child in an emergency. The provider shall remain on the same level of the facility as the children in their care. The provider shall be within sight and hearing of the children who are outside of the facility or off the premises and be able to immediately assist a child in an emergency.
   D.   Event Of School Closures: In the event of emergency school closures, up to three (3) additional school age children for whom compensation is received may be allowed on premises, for a maximum of two (2) consecutive days, without affecting staffing requirements. A provider must also ensure that no person who is not a "staff member" as defined herein has unsupervised contact with the children.
   E.   Staff/Child Ratio: Only licensed workers who are primarily engaged in caring for the children are to be counted in the staff/child ratio.
   F.   Information Available For On Site Inspection: Each provider shall obtain the following information and have it available for on site inspection upon request by the Licensing Enforcement Officer, Code Enforcement Officer, fire inspector, or any sworn police officer, or his or her designee: names and ages of all children enrolled; names, addresses, and telephone numbers of the parents or guardians for the children enrolled; and a current roster of the children enrolled. This information shall be maintained in an orderly manner by the provider and be made accessible in the portion of the premises used for childcare. Failure to maintain and/or allow inspection of the above records shall be a violation of this chapter.
   G.   Maximum Staff/Child Ratios: Maximum staff to child ratios will be in accordance with the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare requirements in effect on July 1, 2011, and as thereafter amended, except that no ratio shall exceed one licensed staff member per twelve (12) children. Child to staff ratios shall be computed on a point system as follows: each child younger than twenty four (24) months shall equal two (2) points; each child twenty four (24) months old through thirty five (35) months old shall equal one and one-half (11/2) points; each child thirty six (36) months old through four (4) years of age shall equal one point; and each child five (5) years of age through twelve (12) years of age shall equal one-half (1/2) point. The maximum allowable child to staff ratio shall be twelve (12) points per licensed staff member. The provider's children shall count in the ratio. (Ord. 3070, 2021: Ord. 2951, 2015)