A. Upon receipt of the preliminary plat application, city staff shall perform a completeness review within five (5) days from official receipt of the application and applicable fees.
B. In the event that city staff determines that the application is incomplete, the applicant will be notified regarding what is needed to complete the application. In the event that an incomplete application is returned more than two (2) times, additional application fees may be required.
C. Once it is determined that the application is complete, the application materials will be reviewed by city staff for technical compliance with applicable code provisions and notify the applicant of any deficiencies prior to the application being scheduled for review by the planning and zoning commission at a regularly scheduled meeting.
D. Public Hearing Before the Planning & Zoning Commission, Notice: Prior to the hearing of a preliminary plat subdivision application notice shall be published in the newspaper of general circulation within the jurisdiction. Notice shall be posted on the tract and shall be provided by mailing to property owners or purchasers of record within the land being considered and within three hundred feet (300') of the external boundaries of the land being considered. The developer shall provide a current mailing list of all property owners within three hundred feet (300') of the boundaries of the subdivision. All notices herein described will be provided at least fifteen (15) days prior to the hearing or as otherwise required by Idaho state code. When notice is required to two hundred (200) or more property owners or purchasers of record, refer to Municipal Code 17.02.300 Notification Procedures Section 3.d.
E. Representatives from the following city departments and affected agencies shall be given the opportunity to review the plat and provide comments:
1. City public works staff shall review the preliminary plat for the following:
a. Basic street plans such as proposed right of way width, curb, gutter and sidewalk location and width, and planter strips.
b. Basic public utility plan.
c. The proposed subdivision does not impede the future extension of streets and/or utilities to adjacent lands or recreational access to public lands.
d. Grading and drainage control measures.
e. City water pollution control department for review of sewage disposal.
f. City water department for review of water supply.
g. City streets and traffic departments for review of new streets and traffic impacts on existing roadways.
h. Science and environmental staff shall review plans for environmental impacts including, but not limited to, erosion and storm drainage.
2. Planning and development services department shall review the preliminary plat for consistency with applicable zoning and development codes.
3. City legal department regarding applicable legal issues.
4. City parks and recreation department for recommendations regarding parks and recreation facilities.
5. The city fire department shall review existing and proposed hydrant placement, fire apparatus access routes, design and location of required turnaround area(s) for developments.
a. Construction standards for structures will be reviewed with applicable building permit applications.
6. Southeast Idaho department of health for review of on site water and sewage disposal, if applicable.
7. School district 25 officials shall review for impacts to school facilities.
8. Idaho transportation department officials shall provide written comment, where the land abuts a state controlled roadway, for review of right of way, access drives and intersection design.
9. Affected public utility providers.
F. The reviewing representatives/departments shall transmit their recommendations to the planning and development services staff in writing within fourteen (14) days from the date that notice is provided. If no written comments are submitted by the required date, it shall be assumed that there are no concerns regarding the proposed subdivision.
G. Planning and development services staff will prepare a written report for the planning and zoning commission. The report will contain an evaluation of compliance with applicable ordinance provisions along with all comments resulting from the preliminary plat review process. (Ord. 3074, 2021: Ord. 3043, 2020: Ord. 2971, 2016)