A.   Every licensed childcare facility having a flame source utility on their premises shall be required to have a carbon monoxide detector operating at all times within the area where the children are present. Childcare facilities that operate on several levels within the same premises having a flame source utility shall have a carbon monoxide detector operating on each level where children are present.
   B.   Working smoke detectors are required in all childcare facilities as required by the International Fire Code.
   C.   Every occupant within the facility shall have access to not less than two (2) unobstructed door exits. One door exit must lead directly to the outside. Pursuant to the International Fire Code, if a sleeping area is provided to more than five (5) children, less than two and one-half (21/2) years old, an exit door must lead directly to the exterior of the facility from said area.
   D.   The kitchen, restroom, sleeping and play areas, and fixtures are to be maintained in a sanitary and safe condition.
   E.   Outdoor play areas shall be maintained in a clean and safe condition, free from debris, dilapidated structures, broken and worn out play equipment, building supplies, glass, sharp rocks, twigs, toxic plants, animal feces, cigarette butts, and any other potentially injurious materials. The outdoor play areas shall be enclosed with a fence and have a shaded area to protect each child from excessive sun and heat.
   F.   Walls, ceilings, floors, floor coverings, furnishings, and equipment, including toys and other surfaces, shall be maintained in good repair and free from visible soil, crumbs, refuse, and the like.
   G.   The building or residence must be maintained as a "smoke free" environment at all times during childcare operations. The use of any tobacco or nicotine products is prohibited in the presence of children (including vapors and electronic cigarettes). The operator shall be responsible for ensuring that no volunteers, residents, visitors, or employees smoke or bring lit smoking materials into the premises during operating hours.
   H.   1. The provider shall ensure sleeping accommodations for each infant/toddler in the form of a crib, cot, sleeping bag, bed, mat, or pad. Infants and toddlers shall not be left in car seats but must be transferred to cribs or other suitable sleeping accommodations.
      2.   Sleeping arrangements for infant/toddlers twelve (12) months or younger, shall comply with the following requirements:
         a.   Place one infant on their back on a firm mattress in a CPSC certified crib or porta crib.
         b.   Sleeping space is free of objects, loose blankets/sheets, toys, pillows, bumper pads.
         c.   Monitor breathing, sleep position and bedding of a resting/sleeping infant frequently for distress.
         d.   Soft lighting is necessary to monitor a resting or sleeping infant.
         e.   Video equipment or baby monitor are not a substitute for monitoring.
         f.   Infants resting or sleeping in a space not recommended for sleeping, shall be moved to a safe sleeping space as described herein.
         g.   A pacifier is the only item allowed in a crib or porta crib. Pacifiers cannot have cords or attaching mechanisms.
         h.   Papoose boards.
      3.   Alternatives to nationally recognized Best Practices require approval by a medical directive provided by a physician.
   I.   The childcare facility must have at least one working telephone on premises readily available while the childcare facility is open for business.
   J.   Firearms or other weapons (as defined at 18 USC sections 920 and 930) not secured on a person which are stored on the premises of a childcare facility must be kept in a locked container that is inaccessible to children while childcare children are present.
   K.   Swimming pools, hot tubs, ponds, and other bodies of water which are located on the childcare facility premises must include the following safety features:
      1.   The area surrounding the body of water must be fenced and locked in a manner that prevents access by children and meet the following requirements:
         a.   The fence must be at least four feet (4') in height with no vertical opening more than four inches (4") wide; be designed so that a young child cannot climb or squeeze under or through the fence; surround all sides of the pool and have a gate that is self-closing with a self-latching mechanism, in proper working order, and out of the reach of young children;
         b.   In the event a building which is used as part of the childcare facility is used to form one side of the enclosure for a pool, all doors that provide unrestricted access to the pool from said building must be equipped with audible noise alarms which sound when a door is opened; and
         c.   Furniture or other large objects shall not be positioned near the fence which surrounds the pool in such a manner that would allow a child to climb on said furniture or other large object and gain access to the pool.
      2.   As an alternative, if the area surrounding a swimming pool, hot tub, pond, or other body of water is not fenced and locked, then the body of water shall be secured by a protective covering that cannot be removed by a child, and which shall be in place at all times during the operation of the childcare facility or when a supervisory adult is not present.
      3.   Wading pools shall be emptied when not in use.
      4.   Children shall be under the direct supervision of a licensed adult while using a pool, hot tub, pond, or other body of water; and
      5.   In the event a childcare facility is situated adjacent to a body of water, said facility shall install a fence of at least four feet (4') in height with no vertical opening more than four inches (4") wide which is designed so that a young child cannot climb or squeeze under or through the fence between the facility and the adjacent body of water.
   L.   Childcare providers shall encourage daily outdoor play by children as weather and air quality conditions permit. All childcare facilities shall be equipped with an outdoor play area that directly adjoins the indoor facilities of the childcare facility or that can be accessed by a route that is free of safety hazards and is not farther than one-eighth (1/8) of one mile, walking distance, from the childcare facility. The outdoor play area shall be comprised of an area sufficient to provide a minimum of seventy five (75) square feet for each child using the play area at one time.
Exception: An indoor play area allowing seventy five (75) square feet may be provided in lieu of an outdoor play area when the children are on the premises for less than four (4) hours a day.
   M.   It shall be a violation of this chapter if the environment, building, equipment, or grounds at the facility, place, home, building, or location wherein the childcare is provided, in the opinion of the Licensing Officer or his or her designee and said supervisor, presents a life, health, or safety risk for the care of the children.
   N.   An outdoor source of drinking water, such as individually labeled water bottles or a pitcher of water and individual cups that are taken outside, shall be available to each child whenever the outside temperature is eighty degrees (80°) or higher and the children are outside for more than thirty (30) minutes.
   O.   All flame source appliances, heat producing appliances, power tools, and lawn care tools and equipment shall be inaccessible to children.
   P.   All providers must ensure that all dogs and cats have proper vaccination and licenses as is required by sections 6.04.080 and 6.04.150 of this Code.
   Q.   All furniture and electronics over four feet (4') in height located in the area where childcare is provided must be secured to the wall.
   R.   No childcare provider, employee, volunteer, or resident/visitor shall use or be under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs. No person responsible for watching children shall be under the influence of any prescribed controlled substance that impairs his/her ability to care for the children.
   S.   All childcare facilities shall have a basic first aid kit including at least antiseptic, Band-Aids, and tweezers.
   T.   All facilities shall have running water and a working toilet.
   U.   All toxic and/or hazardous chemicals (to include, but not limited to, cleaners, insecticides, lawn products, flammable material, any item that says keep out of reach of children), and medicines shall be inaccessible to children.
   V.   All childcare facilities shall have a disaster plan which addresses the following areas:
      1.   Abduction/intruder/hostage/threatening call/bomb threat.
      2.   Medical crisis/emergency.
      3.   Fire.
      4.   Energy shortage/power/utility failure.
      5.   Evacuation plan.
      6.   Relocation plan.
      7.   Safe-place/lock-down plan/shelter-in-place procedure.
      8.   Emergency closing plan. (Ord. 3011, 2018: Ord. 2951, 2015)