Signs that may contain electronic message displays shall be permitted in accordance with the following:
   A.   Displays: Such displays shall contain static messages only, and shall not have movement, of any part of the sign structure, design, or pictorial segment of the sign, including the movement or appearance of movement of any illumination or the flashing, scintillating or varying of the light intensity. No chasing, blinking, rotating or flashing shall be employed in displaying a message or image, or during the change from one message or image to another. No streaming video shall be displayed.
   B.   Text Messages: Text messages that are longer than the display area and do not contain any non-text graphics shall scroll in a consistent and predictable manner.
   C.   Automated Change: An automated change of message or image must be accomplished within two (2) seconds or less and contain a default design that will freeze the sign face in one position should malfunction occur.
   D.   Minimum Display Time: Each message or frame must be displayed for a minimum of eight (8) seconds.
   E.   Number Allowed: One EMD per business, unless located within a business center, then one EMD per business center.
   F.   Installation:   EMDs may not be installed on a non-conforming sign.
   G.   Curfew: All electronic message displays located in a residential or Residential/Commercial/Professional Zone shall not be illuminated between nine thirty o'clock (9:30) P.M. and six thirty o'clock (6:30) A.M.
   H.   Owner's Agreement: All applications to permit an electronic message display shall be accompanied by a signed owner's agreement from the future owner and operator of the subject sign acknowledging and agreeing to comply with all standards herein noted.
   I.   Electronic Message Displays Criteria:
      1.   Electronic Message Displays: Electronic message displays shall not exceed 0.3 foot-candle over ambient lighting conditions when measured at the appropriate distance. The illuminance of an electronic message display shall be measured with an illuminance meter set to measure foot-candles accurate to at least two (2) decimals. Illuminance shall be measured when the EMD is off and again with the EMD displaying a white image for a full color- capable EMD, or a solid message for a single-color EMD.
      2.   Measurement Distance: All measurements shall be taken as close as practical to a perpendicular plane of the sign at the distance required. The measurement distance may be calculated with the following formula: Measurement Distance = v(Area of sign square feet x 100).
      3.   Dimming Capabilities: All new electronic message displays shall be installed with an automated dimmer control or similar device which automatically determines the ambient illumination and programmable to automatically dim according to the ambient light conditions, or that can be adjusted to comply with the 0.3 foot-candle above ambient light requirement. (Ord. 3008, 2018)