The following provisions shall apply to a complex containing two (2) or more businesses in a commercial general, office park, light industrial, or industrial district:
A. Individual Business: Each individual business within such a complex shall be permitted to have one wall sign or one awning sign with a maximum sign area of one and one-half (11/2) square feet for each linear foot of business frontage. Individual businesses may not have a pole or ground sign. In addition to the aforementioned permitted signage, each business shall also be allowed one sign on a side or rear wall of that portion of the building occupied by the business with an allowed sign area of one square foot for each linear foot of business frontage up to a maximum of seventy five (75) square feet.
1. Tenant shall have an additional sign on the side or rear of the building not to exceed sixty four (64) square feet.
B. Common Signage: Such a complex may also share additional pole or ground signage which collectively advertises the name of the plaza and/or the names of the individual businesses. See also the definition of "common signage".
1. Total sign area allowed for common signage is calculated as follows: one-half (1/2) square foot of common sign area for each linear foot of building frontage and one square foot of common sign area for each linear foot of open space frontage.
2. Such a sign may be a ground sign not exceeding eight feet (8') in height which meets sight triangle and setback requirements as governed by subsection 15.20.130A7 of this chapter.
3. The common pole signage shall not exceed two hundred (200) square feet.
4. The common ground sign shall not exceed sixty four (64) square feet and shall meet the sight triangle standards. (Ord. 2958, 2015)