The following types, locations, and sizes of nonilluminated signs are permitted in residential districts. Signs shall be permitted under the following conditions:
   A.   Nonconforming Uses: Legal nonconforming uses located within a residential district may retain existing legal signage. Any new signage for existing nonconforming uses shall be in conformance with the requirements of signage within a Residential/Commercial/Professional (RCP) District.
   B.   Subdivision Identification Signs: Such signs may be erected for the purpose of identifying a residential development of fifteen (15) or more dwelling units. Such signs shall be not larger than thirty six (36) square feet, nor higher than five feet (5') above grade. One sign may be erected at each entrance with no more than four (4) such signs for any project. Sight triangle regulations must be followed.
   C.   Real Estate Development Project Signs: Real estate development project signs shall be permitted when erected for the purpose of selling or promoting a residential project of eight (8) or more dwelling units provided that such signs not exceed sixty four (64) square feet per sign face and are removed when the project is eighty percent (80%) complete, sold or leased. Sight triangle regulations must be followed. (Ord. 2846 § 5, 2008: Ord. 2349, 1991)