5.28.020: DEFINITIONS:
For the purposes of this chapter, the following terms, phrases, words, and derivatives thereof shall have the meaning given herein. When consistent, words used in the present tense include the future, words in the plural number include the singular number, and words in the singular number include the plural number. The word "shall" is always mandatory.
   APPLICANT: A person making application for a license or the renewal of a license to operate a childcare facility or act as a childcare employee.
   CARE AND SUPERVISION: The knowledge of and accounting for the activity and whereabouts of each child while at the licensed facility to promote the purposes of this chapter.
   CHILD: A person less than thirteen (13) years of age who is being cared for and supervised in a childcare facility.
   CHILDCARE: Care and supervision provided for compensation for any part of any day, whether compensation is received daily, weekly, monthly, or on any other basis for children, not the children or stepchildren of the provider.
   CHILDCARE CENTER: A place or facility providing childcare for compensation for thirteen (13) or more children or uses a nonresidential building.
   CHILDCARE EMPLOYEE: Any person hired to assist a childcare provider with the care of children for any amount of time.
   CHILDCARE EMPLOYEE-APPLICANT: The status granted to a person who is at least sixteen (16) years old who has been hired by a childcare provider to assist in providing childcare and who has filed an application for a license which has not yet been issued pending receipt of the criminal history check results. A person may be considered to have employee-applicant status for purposes of working at a childcare facility under this chapter for a maximum of five (5) working days prior to his/her filing of a license application.
   CHILDCARE FACILITY: Any home, place, building, or location wherein children are cared for under the provisions of this chapter.
   CHILDCARE PROVIDER: A person using a place, home, building, or location to provide care for one or more children, not the children or stepchildren of the provider, in return for compensation.
   CHILDCARE RESIDENT/VISITOR: Any individual thirteen (13) years of age and older who is on site for more than twelve (12) hours a month or has unsupervised contact with children in a licensed childcare facility.
   CITY STAFF: The city clerk, code enforcement officer, licensing enforcement officer, animal services officer, fire inspector, building inspector, planning and zoning director, sworn police officer, or his or her designee.
   CLINIC: An outpatient health facility.
   DIRECT CONTACT: A person who owes a duty of care to a child in a childcare facility and/or has immediate care of a child.
   ENROLLED: Any child who has been placed within a childcare facility by agreement, contract, or arrangement between the parents or guardians of the child and the facility owner, operator, or manager.
   FAMILY CHILDCARE: A childcare facility that provides care for twelve (12) or fewer children in a residential building.
   FLAME SOURCE UTILITY: Any device that uses open flame combustion as a means of heating a space, surface, or fluid. Common examples (noninclusive) are wood, gas, coal, or kerosene heaters, propane space heaters, gas water heaters or stoves, gas or kerosene furnaces, and wood or gas fireplaces.
   FULL TIME STAFF MEMBER/EMPLOYEE: One who works twenty five (25) hours or more per week.
   HEALTH FACILITY: Any facility that is operated for the diagnosis, care, prevention, and treatment of human illness.
   LICENSED CHILDCARE VOLUNTEER: A person who is at least sixteen (16) years old who is licensed to work in a childcare facility to assist in the activities of the childcare facility so as to be deemed the equivalent of a childcare employee under this chapter, but who serves without compensation.
   LICENSEE: A person having a city license in full force and effect issued hereunder for operations that owns, possesses, or operates any childcare facility.
   LICENSING YEAR: The time period from the date a license is issued until the last day of the month in which the license was issued one year later.
   PART TIME STAFF MEMBER/EMPLOYEE: One who works less than twenty five (25) hours per week.
   PERSON: Any individual, partnership, association, corporation, or organization of any kind, and any governmental entity, including the state of Idaho and every political subdivision thereof.
   PREMISES: A. For Childcare Centers: The part of the building owned or leased for the childcare facility, including parking areas and outside play areas.
   B.   For Family Childcare: The entire home including outside play areas and structure. Provided, however, that for purposes of staffing regulations set out in this chapter, "premises" shall be more narrowly construed so as to mean that portion of the childcare facility, whether indoors or outdoors, in which the majority of the children are located during any given portion of the day.
   PRESCHOOL: A home or place of structured instruction where educational sessions not governed by the state board of education, where learning and knowledge is imparted to children between the ages of three (3) and five (5) years in preparation for public and/or private education.
   PROVIDER: A person who has, owns, possesses, or operates a childcare facility. The person who is ultimately the responsible party for the operation and care of the facility.
   PUBLIC RECREATION PROGRAM: A recreation program operated by the state, city, county, special district, school district, college, private school, chartered schools, and/or private organizations that meets for less than four (4) consecutive hours per day.
   RATIO: A numeric relationship between a number of children and a number of staff members supervising those children at a childcare facility.
   RELATIVE PROVIDER: A relative to the second degree of relationship through blood, marriage, or adoption (i.e., grandparent, aunt or uncle) who is providing care and supervision to children in return for compensation.
   SANITARY: A clean, healthy condition which promotes health and healthful conditions by eliminating dirt and agents of infection or disease.
   STAFF/CHILD RATIO: The maximum number of children that each childcare employee, licensed volunteer, or provider may provide care for, whether it be calculated by the mixed age or single age group formula.
   STAFF MEMBER: A person sixteen (16) years of age or older employed by an owner or operator to provide care and supervision at a childcare facility.
   SUPERVISION: Being within sight and normal hearing range of the child or children being care for.
   TRAINING: Continuing education in child development areas relating to childcare, which can be acquired through a variety of methods including, but not limited to, viewing approved audio/visual material, completing approved correspondence courses, and attending approved community workshops.
   UNLICENSED CHILDCARE VOLUNTEER: Any person who is at least thirteen (13) years old who visits a childcare facility less than twelve (12) hours a month to assist in the activities of the facility who is not licensed under this chapter and who is not compensated for such assistance either monetarily, in kind, in trade, or in any other fashion and who must be accompanied at all times by a staff member while in the children's presence. (Ord. 3070, 2021: Ord. 2975, 2016: Ord. 2951, 2015)