A.   If utility charges are not paid in full by the next billing cycle as set out above, the unpaid amount shall become delinquent and a late penalty charge shall be imposed on the unpaid balance. Should the charges remain unpaid by the next billing date, a warning notice shall be printed on that bill or mailed separately to the account holder. Should the delinquent charges not be paid in full by the due date on that bill, the city shall, subject to the conditions listed below, terminate service to the premises. Service to the premises will not be reinstated until all delinquencies, unpaid charges, and the applicable deposit have been paid. A reconnect/nonpayment fee will be charged and due with the next regular billing statement for the premises.
   B.   The billing statement and/or the notice of the delinquency shall state the date on which service is to be suspended, the amount of delinquent charges, the right to request in writing a pretermination hearing or the option of appearing in person at the utility billing services department to make payment arrangements.
   C.   If the account holder elects to appear in person to make payment arrangements for the delinquent amount, he shall be required to complete a written agreement and notified that failure to make payments as specified in the agreement shall result in termination of service without further notice.
   D.   If the account holder elects to request a formal hearing, upon receipt of the written request for a pretermination hearing, if received at least one day prior to the proposed suspension date, the utility billing director or his/her designee shall give written notice to the party requesting the hearing of the date, time, and place of the hearing, which shall be at least five (5) business days from receipt of the date of the request. The utility billing director or his/her designee shall make a record of the pretermination hearing and shall within ten (10) business days of the hearing render a written decision with supporting reasons.
   E.   In the absence of a written payment agreement or a timely request for a pretermination hearing, or if an adverse decision is rendered against the party requesting the hearing, the city shall suspend service. Service to the premises will not be reinstated until all delinquencies, unpaid charges, and the applicable deposit have been paid. A reconnect/nonpayment fee will be charged and due on the next regular billing statement for the premises. (Ord. 2903, 2011: Ord. 2685 §§ 3, 4, 2002: Ord. 2652, 2000)