A. The Pocatello tree commission's "tree selection guide" shall be the official guideline for the selection and planting of trees on public property.
B. The city forester shall maintain the "city of Pocatello master list of acceptable trees" which lists acceptable species for public tree planting. Only those trees which are on the "city of Pocatello master list of acceptable trees" may be planted as public trees, unless the written consent of the city forester is first obtained.
C. The city forester shall maintain a list of recommended and prohibited species for street tree planting with suggested spacing and planting distances from curbs and sidewalks. A copy of this list shall be made available to the public from P&R and P&DS.
D. Maintenance of all public trees shall conform to "tree care guidelines" as defined in section 12.28.030 of this chapter. A summary of "tree care guidelines" shall be maintained by the city forester and P&DS for distribution to the public.
E. Except as otherwise determined by the city forester, branches that overhang sidewalks or streets shall be pruned to provide sufficient vertical clearance of eight feet (8') above sidewalks and twelve feet (12') above streets so as not to interfere with public travel. On designated truck routes the vertical clearance shall be fourteen and one-half feet (14.5') above streets.
F. Trees and other landscaping at uncontrolled urban residential intersections shall be maintained to assure unobstructed corner visibility and shall, at a minimum, conform to Idaho Code section 49-221 which requires an unobstructed vision triangle measured forty feet (40') along each roadway from the intersection of the curb lines extended or the intersection of the property lines if no curbs exist. Sight triangles at intersections on streets classified other than residential shall conform to the standards as set out in the latest edition of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) "Policy On Geometric Design Of Highways And Streets". Sight triangle issues may be reviewed by the city engineer who shall have the final determination.
G. Trees and other vegetation planted on private property shall meet the landscaping requirements in the city of Pocatello zoning ordinance.
H. Parking strips shall be landscaped as defined herein, with at least fifty percent (50%) of the surface in living plant materials such as expected mature tree canopy cover and grass or ground covers. The city maintains a list of recommended trees and low water ground covers suitable to parking strips. (Ord. 2877 § 3, 2009: Ord. 2812, 2007)