A.   An erosion control plan submitted with an application for a permit must bear the signature and certification number of an individual who has successfully completed an approved training course and who has demonstrated competence, through education, training and knowledge of the applicable laws and regulations, in erosion and sediment.
   B.   The city shall review all submitted erosion control plans and issue a permit for each approved erosion control plan.
   C.   An erosion control plan may not be approved in part. If the erosion control plan is incomplete when initially submitted, it will be returned to the submitter for completion. No activity allowed under the subject permit will be allowed until the erosion control plan has been approved and the permit issued.
   D.   If an erosion control plan is not approved, a permit will not be issued, and the applicable construction activity will not be allowed to commence. This decision shall be communicated to the applicant and a new erosion control plan will be required prior to the issuance of a permit. An applicant may appeal a decision not to approve an erosion control plan pursuant to the provisions of section 8.44.140 of this chapter.
   E.   Erosion control plans shall include the following:
      1.   Erosion control report which discusses, with supporting technical documentation, the strategy of the proposed erosion control plan, and including significant details of the BMPs which will be utilized. This report shall be typed except for computational sheets, in good technical form, on eight and one-half inches by eleven inches (8.5" x 11") paper and bound in a covered binder. Maps, diagrams, and figures, except computer printouts, shall be clearly labeled and folded to fit within the report. The report shall contain the title on the outside of the binder and include a title sheet, table of contents, list of figures and tables, and the narrative or body, in that order. The narrative shall contain an introduction, analysis, and conclusion.
      2.   Site drawing of existing and proposed conditions, including:
         a.   Property boundaries and lot lines.
         b.   North arrow, scale and date.
         c.   Excavations, grades, paved areas, pond elevations, structures and utilities.
         d.   Drainage easements.
         e.   Bench mark.
         f.   Surface water and wetlands, drainage patterns and watershed boundaries, if present.
         g.   Location of vegetative cover.
         h.   Location of BMPs.
      3.   Topographic survey showing drainage and irrigation water conveyance systems and finished grade contours at two foot (2') intervals. Sites less than one acre, with less than two percent (2%) cross grades, may submit grade spot elevations of the property line and other required points in lieu of the topographic study.
      4.   Plan of new or modified drainage systems, including system dimensions.
      5.   Sites located in areas which are regulated by section 17.05.100, "Slope Development Standards", et seq., of this code, shall have all erodible soils designated and classified using the unified soil classification system (USCS). An engineering geology or geotechnical report, prepared by a registered geologist or geotechnical engineer, and providing recommendations for erosion control, is required for all preliminary plats with additional information required in more complex geotechnic settings.
      6.   Location and schedule of soil disturbance.
      7.   A BMP inspection and maintenance schedule.
      8.   Final vegetation, landscape, and permanent stabilization measures. Plant species for grasses, forbs and shrubs shall be selected from the city of Pocatello "Revegetation Guide" available from the permit counter.
      9.   Name, title, address, and telephone number of the landowner or owner's representative.
      10.   Any other information used to prepare the erosion control plan, such as geologic reports prepared by a registered geologist, maps and geotechnical engineering reports prepared by a registered engineer, and soil surveys. Photographs may be included and appropriately labeled.
   F.   If the applicant submitting an erosion control plan has an approved stormwater management plan which contains the requirements listed above, the applicant may file proof of the approved stormwater management plan in lieu of submitting a new erosion control plan.
   G.   Erosion control plans may be modified at the permit holder's request upon an approved application for modification and payment of the applicable fee. Any modification deemed by the director of public works to be minor may be approved on site by an authorized representative without the need for a formal application and fee payment. The authorized representative shall document the modification on a field report or correction notice, and the approved plans, with a dated signature.
   H.   If the city's authorized representative determines the facilities or techniques of an erosion control plan are not effective or are not sufficient after prior approval, and such insufficiencies are having an impact on public property or private property not controlled by the permit holder, or is placing the city of Pocatello in violation of its NPDES permit, the city may order a revised plan be submitted within a reasonable time period. If the revised plan is not acceptable or is not immediately implemented upon approval, the permit may be suspended or revoked. Any decision of the authorized representative or director of public works regarding said revised plan may be appealed pursuant to section 8.44.140 of this chapter.
   I.   Emergency control measures may be ordered when erosion products are actually leaving the site or sediment deposition is occurring. These emergency control measures will not relieve permit holders or applications of the duty to file a revised plan if required by the city. (Ord. 2859, 2008)