For the purposes of this chapter, the following shall mean:
AUTHORIZED ENFORCEMENT AGENT: The director of the city of Pocatello department of public works or his designee.
BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMPs): Physical, structural, and/or managerial practices that, when used singly or in combination, control activities including, but not limited to, site runoff, spillage and leaks, and waste disposal, and prevent or reduce the discharge of pollutants directly or indirectly to waters of the state or United States. BMPs may also include schedules of activities, prohibition of practices, design standards, educational activities, and treatment requirements.
CITY: The city of Pocatello and/or its representatives, staff, or assigns.
CLEAN WATER ACT: The federal water pollution control act (33 USC section 1251 et seq.), and any subsequent amendments thereto.
CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY: Activities occurring in furtherance of a construction project, including, but not limited to, land disturbing activities; temporary crushing and screening operations lasting less than one hundred eighty (180) calendar days; hauling soil and rock; explosive and abrasive blasting; implosion; handling of building materials; concrete, stone and tile cutting; operation of motorized and nonmotorized machinery; and the operation of motor vehicles on a construction site, a staging area, a parking area, a storage area, or any access routes to the construction site.
EROSION: Progressive detachment and removal of particles, including soil and rock fragments, from the earth's surface by means of water, wind, ice, gravity or mechanical processes, including vehicular traffic.
EROSION CONTROL PLAN: Details of the concepts and techniques, including BMPs, used prior to and during construction, up to and including final landscaping, to control and limit soil erosion, mud and dirt deposits on public roadways, and sediment discharge.
LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITY: A human induced change to improved or unimproved land, including, but not limited to, new home or building construction, expansion of an existing building or home, demolition activity, clearing, grubbing, leveling, excavation, fill operations, clearing, trenching, landscaping, grading, drainage, pipe installation, drilling, mining, dredging, road construction or improvement, paving, construction of earthen berms, and improvements for use as parking or storage.
MAXIMUM EXTENT PRACTICABLE (MEP): Technology based discharge standard for municipal separate storm sewer systems established by CWA section 402(p).
PERMIT: The erosion control permit issued by the city which authorizes performance of a construction project.
PERMIT HOLDER: The person who makes application for an erosion control permit.
PERSON: Any individual, firm, association, club, organization, corporation, partnership, business trust, company or other entity which is recognized by law as the subject of rights or duties.
POLLUTANT: Objects and materials which, when discharged to water or air, cause or contribute to water or air pollution, or as defined by the federal water pollution control act (also known as the clean water act).
POLLUTION: The discharge of any pollutant into the airstream or waters of the state or U.S. which will or is likely to create a nuisance or to render such waters harmful, detrimental, or injurious to public health, safety or welfare, or to domestic, commercial, industrial, recreational, aesthetic, or other beneficial uses, or as defined by the federal water pollution control act (also known as the clean water act).
SEDIMENT: Solid material, either mineral or organic, that is in suspension or has been or is being moved from its site of origin due to erosion.
STORMWATER: Surface runoff and drainage associated with rainstorm events and snowmelt.
VARIANCE: A modification of the requirements of this chapter based on hardship.
WATERCOURSE: Any natural or artificially managed channel through which water flows on a regular or routine basis.
WETLANDS: Lands that meet all of the following criteria: a) a predominance of hydric soil, b) saturation by surface or ground water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support a prevalence of hydrophytic vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions, and c) normally support a prevalence of hydrophytic vegetation. (Ord. 2859, 2008)