A.   Any person desiring to have three (3) or more dogs or more than five (5) cats on his or her premises at any given time for purposes not covered by commercial animal establishment licensing must apply for a multiple animal housing license, in addition to obtaining individual dog licenses, on forms provided by the animal services department, providing names of occupants of the premises, address, number and type of dogs to be kept. The application must also be accompanied by the written consent of at least seventy five percent (75%) of the adult owners and/or occupants of all premises, excepting public lands, within one hundred feet (100') of the perimeter of the applicant's property, unless such requirement is excluded by the animal services director. The animal services director shall review the application and shall deny the license if any outdoor dog run area is closer than thirty feet (30') to the nearest residence or building and may deny the license if the required proof of consent has not been provided. The director may also deny the license if the area is not sufficiently enclosed to prevent violations of this chapter or if the applicant or other member of the household has had a violation of the provisions of this chapter.
   B.   In the event the license is approved, the owner must obtain individual licenses for each dog to be housed, upon completion of which the multiple animal housing license shall be issued for the specified number of animals, subject to such conditions as may be deemed necessary by the director for compliance with this chapter. If the licensee desires to house additional animals not included on the license, he shall be required to apply in the same manner and be subject to the same conditions as set out in subsection A of this section. Provided, however, that the licensee shall not be required to license any offspring of his/her licensed dogs or cats unless such animals are three (3) months old and are still on site.
   C.   Such licenses must be renewed annually in the same manner as the initial application process above and are subject to revocation for any conviction for violations of the provisions of this chapter, or failure to remove fecal material, or other conduct in violation of this chapter. Denial of renewal is also at the discretion of the director, based upon the standards as set out for the initial license and the reasons listed herein for revocation. Procedures for denial or revocation and appeal shall be the same as set forth in this chapter for commercial animal establishment licenses.
   D.   Animal services officers or Pocatello police officers may inspect, or cause to be inspected, any facilities at reasonable hours, or at other times in response to complaints requiring immediate attention, for which licenses have been applied for or granted as often as necessary for adequate control and supervision or for determining whether a license may be issued or renewed.
   E.   A permit under this section may not be transferred to any other person or location. (Ord. 2975, 2016: Ord. 2963, 2015: Ord. 2667 § 2, 2001)