The owner of property, the description of which falls within the definition of “natural preserve”, as set forth herein, may apply for natural preserve status in the following manner:
   (A)   (1)   The property owner must impose building and use restrictions, reservations, covenants, obligations or conditions upon the land, specifying that they shall run with the land and be a burden on and benefit to the land in perpetuity.
      (2)   These building and use restrictions, reservations, covenants, obligations or conditions must be recorded with the Register of Deeds and be in a manner consistent with the natural preserve as set forth herein.
      (3)   The property owner must then submit a request to the township for approval by the Township Board of Trustees as a natural preserve.
      (4)   The Township Board of Trustees shall approve any request for a natural preserve designation if the subject property and building and use restrictions meet the requirements of this chapter. Any denial of a request may be appealed to a court of competent jurisdiction.
   (B)   NATURAL PRESERVE shall be defined as an area that:
      (1)   Generally appears to be affected primarily by the forces of nature, with human imprint substantially unnoticeable;
      (2)   Is substantially without human habitation; and
      (3)   Contains features of ecological, geographical, scientific, educational, scenic or historical value.
(Prior Code, § XII-3.04)