(A) Form. The application for a used car lot license shall be submitted on a form prescribed by the Township Clerk. The application shall contain, as a minimum, the following information:
(1) The applicant’s name, address, date of birth, home telephone number, business telephone number, business address and applicant’s previous address for the past five years;
(2) The extent of operation expected, size of used car lot, lighting to be employed at night, size of signs to be erected, number and size of structures to be located thereon and the hours of operation per a 24-hour day;
(3) The managers or agents to be employed, name, address, date of birth, title, home telephone number;
(4) The applicant’s previous experience as a used car lot operator; and
(5) A signature and printed name.
(B) Inspections. Upon receipt of an application, the Township Clerk shall notify all department heads of the application by forwarding a copy to the department heads and requesting from them a review of the application and a written response to determine that the premises complies with the provisions of this or any other ordinances of the township, including the zoning ordinance.
(Prior Code, § IV-6.02)
All licenses issued under this chapter shall be issued subject to the following rules, regulations and conditions:
(A) All licenses shall maintain their used car lots and the property concerned therewith in an orderly, safe and neat appearing manner;
(B) The licensee shall, at least once each month, prepare and mail to the Department of State Police in East Lansing, Michigan, at the Secretary of State at Lansing, Michigan, a sworn statement of all purchases and sales made by the licensee as is required by Public Act 232 of 1937, being M.C.L.A. §§ 445.501 et seq.;
(C) The enforcement officer shall have access at all times to all premises where a used car lot license is in effect and it shall be the duty of the officer to periodically investigate and inspect the premises and records of operation; and
(D) The Township Board reserves the right to revoke any license issued under this article and to refuse to issue a license hereunder if it appears to the Township Board that the operation of a used car lot would be against the public health, interest and general welfare or that this chapter has in any manner been violated.
(Prior Code, § IV-6.03)
(A) Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any provision of this chapter shall be punished as provided in § 10.99 of this code of ordinances.
(B) Each day that the violation continues shall be deemed a separate offense.
(Prior Code, § IV-6.04)