The following abbreviations shall have the designated meanings:
ASTM | American Society for Testing and Materials |
BMP | Best management practices |
BMPP | Best management practices plan |
BOD | Biochemical oxygen demand |
C.F.R. | Code of Federal Regulations |
COD | Chemical oxygen demand |
CWA | Clean Water Act |
DNRE | Department of Natural Resources and Environment (State of Michigan) |
E.P.A. | Environmental Protection Agency |
FOG | Fats, oils and grease |
l | Liter |
MRP | Mercury reduction plan |
mg | Milligrams |
mg/l | Milligrams per liter |
NPDES | National pollutant discharge elimination system |
O&M | Operation and maintenance |
POTW | Publicly owned treatment works |
SIC | Standard industrial classification |
SS | Suspended solids |
U.S.C. | United States Code |
WWTP | The Ypsilanti Community Utilities Authority wastewater treatment plant |
WEF | Water Environment Federation |
YCUA | Ypsilanti Community Utilities Authority |
(Prior Code, § X-3.41)