§ 53.037  ENFORCEMENT.
   (A)   Pursuant to Public Act 178 of 1939, as amended, being M.C.L.A. §§ 123.161 et seq., the charges for water service and sewage disposal service prescribed by this subchapter furnished to any premises shall be a lien thereon effective immediately upon the distribution of water or furnishing sewage disposal service to the premises. Any charges, delinquent for six months or more, shall have an administrative fee as set by Township Board resolution added thereto and that total amount shall be certified annually prior to November 1 of each year by the official or officials in charge of collection thereof to the Township Supervisor, who shall enter same upon the next tax roll against the premises to which services shall have been rendered and the charges shall be collected and the lien shall be enforced in the same manner as provided for the collection of taxes assessed upon such premises and the enforcement of the lien therefore provided that, in all cases when a tenant is responsible for the payment of any such charge and the Township Board is so notified in writing, such notice to include a true copy of the legally executed lease of affected premises, then no charge shall become a lien against the same premises from and after the date of tendering an affidavit pursuant to the requirements of M.C.L.A. § 123.165, to the Township Supervisor or his or her authorized or her agent. In the event of filing of the notice, no further service shall be rendered to the premises until a cash deposit in an amount to be set by Township Board resolution shall have been deposited with the township as security for the payment of the charges.
   (B)   In addition to any other lawful enforcement methods, the collection of charges for water service and/or sewage disposal service to any premises may be enforced by the township by discontinuing the water service and/or the sewage disposal service to the premises from and after the date the charges are past due and payable. Restoration and continuation of service shall not be made until payment in full of all past due charges, penalties and interest for the service are paid. There shall also be a charge for termination and restoration (turn on/turn off) all of which charges, penalties, interest and fees shall be set by Township Board resolution.
(Prior Code, § X-3.065)  (Ord. 1016, Amendment 26, passed 3-9-2021)