(A)   (1)   Hospitalization.  All full-time village employees are entitled to group hospitalization medical insurance coverage for themselves and for their dependents and dental and optical coverages to the extent permitted under the plan(s). The premiums for such coverage shall be paid by the village from the respective funds of the department in which the insured employee is employed, except that the persons entitled to this benefit who are employed with the village on or after March 1, 1993, the village shall pay a percentage of the premium therefor as determined by Council. The employees’ contributions shall be deducted from their pay checks from the village in a regular and proportionate manner.
      (2)   Health insurance. 
         (a)   Part-time employees working 25 to 39 hours per week shall be offered the opportunity to participate in the village Group Health Insurance coverage, provided that employee pays 90% of the monthly premium.
         (b)   Part-time employees not desiring to receive the above offer of coverage shall sign a waiver for the purpose of declining coverage.
(`94 Code, § 159.03)  (Ord. 8-93, passed 2-9-93; Am. Ord. 8-2012, passed 4-10-12)
   (B)   Life Insurance.  All full-time village employees are entitled to group life insurance coverage under such plan as is entered into by the village. The premiums for such coverage shall be paid by the village from the respective funds of the department in which the insured employee is employed.
(`94 Code, § 159.04)  (Ord. 8-81, passed 2-26-81; Am. Res. 3-2008, passed 2-26-08)