(A)   All sidewalks constructed in the village shall be of the widths specified in division (B) of this section, and on any new street or a street on which Council has not determined the width, it shall do so at the request of any property owner thereon who is desirous of constructing a sidewalk.
(`94 Code, § 923.01)
   (B)   All public sidewalks constructed in the village on streets not specifically provided for shall be of the widths specified as follows: On all public streets three rods or more wide, such sidewalks shall be six feet in width, provided that all new sidewalks abutting business blocks and places, and sidewalks ordered repaired in front of and abutting such business places, shall be constructed to extend from the line of such buildings to the curb; and on all public streets less than three rods wide, such sidewalks shall be not less than four feet in width. All sidewalks shall be laid of uniform grade, with edges in line, parallel with the center of the street. No person shall construct any public street in the village contrary to the provisions of this section.
(`94 Code, § 923.02)