(A)   A customer who receives a termination notice or other notice affecting the receipt of water service provided by the Village Administrator is entitled to contest the termination or other Administrator decision in a public hearing before the Public Utilities Committee of Council. Such hearing must be requested in writing through the Village Fiscal Officer. The date of such hearing shall be within ten days of the request and the customer shall be notified at least five days prior to the date and time of the hearing.
   (B)   At the hearing, the petitioner has the right to be represented by legal counsel, may call witnesses to testify on his/her behalf, question employees of the municipality, present evidence to support his/her claims, and release any information on file regarding his/her account. The petitioner or his or her legal counsel may make copies of any account records at the cost of the copies.
   (C)   The municipality, represented by the Village Solicitor and the Village Administrator, may call witnesses, provide evidence and documents in support of its claim, and has the right to question any witnesses provided by the petitioner.
   (D)   All testimony provided shall be sworn testimony provided under an oath. The Fiscal Officer shall record all statements and other documents provided as evidence and shall make the recording of this meeting available to the petitioner as well as the municipality.
   (E)   The decision of the Public Utilities Committee shall be final. There shall be no further appeal to the Court of Common Pleas as provided by R.C. Chapter 2506.
   (F)   The decision of the Public Utilities Committee shall be enforced and implemented by the Village Administrator.
   (G)   The decision of the Public Utilities Committee shall be based solely on evidence and testimony presented at the hearing and shall state the rules and evidence relied upon to reach that decision. A copy of that decision shall be served upon the petitioner within three working days after the date of the hearing.
(Ord. 15-07, passed 4-24-07)