A.   License Required: Every person owning, harboring, keeping or having in his possession, or under his control, any dog within the corporate limits of the city shall, immediately upon becoming the owner, harborer or keeper of any dog, obtain from the city clerk a license for each dog so owned, harbored or kept and subsequently before January 1 of each and every year thereafter. All persons becoming the owner of or harboring a dog on or after January 1 of each year must obtain a license for the dog within five (5) days after becoming the owner, harborer or keeper of the dog. (Ord. 344, 10-11-2001)
   B.   Issuance Of Licenses; Prerequisite Requirements:
      1.   It shall be the duty of the city clerk to issue to the person requesting such license, upon presentation of a certificate evidencing current rabies and distemper vaccinations issued by a licensed veterinarian, together with a fee as set by the city council annually before the start of each fiscal year, a receipt which shall specify the date thereof, a description of the dog for which said license is issued sufficient for identification, the name of said dog, together with the name of the person obtaining said license and the sex of the dog. The city clerk, at the time of issuing said receipt, shall furnish and deliver to such party a license in the shape of a metal check, bearing the words "City of Plummer" and the year for which the same is issued stamped thereon. Dog license fees collected under these provisions shall be used only for the administration of this chapter. (Ord. 296, 10-22-1991; amd. 1993 Code)
      2.   It shall be the further duty of the city clerk to keep a register of each license issued, which shall contain a description of the dog covered by said license, sufficient for identification, and shall state the sex of the dog, its name and the name of the person obtaining said license, together with the date and expiration of the license.
   C.   Responsibility For License Affixed To Dog Collar: The person to whom said license is issued shall cause said check to be attached to a collar to be worn by the dog for which said license was issued, during the time which said license is valid.
   D.   Newborn Dogs And Dogs Brought Into City: Any newborn dog shall be licensed within eight (8) weeks of birth in accordance with the above licensing provisions, and any dog brought into the city subsequent to the license due date shall be licensed within five (5) working days after being brought into the city. (Ord. 296, 10-22-1991)
   E.   License Nontransferability And Expiration: All licenses and tags issued under this chapter shall be nontransferable and shall expire on December 31 of each year. (Ord. 344, 10-11-2001)
   F.   Replacement Of Lost Tags: A duplicate or replacement tag shall be issued by the city clerk upon payment of two dollars ($2.00) for each tag so issued to replace the original tag which was lost or destroyed.
   G.   Licenses To Be Attached To Dogs: Except as otherwise provided herein, every owner shall be required to provide each dog with either a collar or harness to which the license tag shall be attached and constantly worn by said dog. No person shall remove or cause to be removed the collar or tag from any licensed dog without the consent of the owner, keeper or harborer thereof. (Ord. 296, 10-22-1991)