A.   Residential structures:
Flanking street
15 feet
Front yard
20 feet
Rear yard
20 feet
Side yard
15 feet
   B.   Authorized accessory building:
Flanking street
15 feet
Front yard
20 feet
Rear yard
10 feet
Side yard
10 feet
   C.   No accessory buildings or tiny home shall be erected within any required setback or closer to any street than the primary residence unless attached thereto. No separate accessory building or tiny home shall be erected within five feet (5') of any other building, including structures exempted from building permits due to size and/or use.
   D.   No separate dwelling shall be erected within ten feet (10') of any other dwelling structure.
   E.   The following encroachments are permitted:
      1.   Balconies, decks and patios may encroach up to twenty five percent (25%) of the depth of the setback.
      2.   Roof overhangs, eaves, and bay windows may encroach up to ten percent (10%) of the depth of the setback.
   F.   Fences as allowed in section 8-5-1 are permitted on the property line. Fences containing poultry, pets, or other animals shall be set back a minimum of five feet (5') from adjoining property. (Ord. 398, 8-14-2009; amd. Ord. 456, 7-11-2019)