On property meeting the minimum lot size requirement within the R-1 zone the following uses are permitted:
   A single accessory dwelling on the same lot. Such accessory dwelling shall not exceed one-half (1/2) of the ground floor footprint of the primary dwelling or one thousand (1,000) square feet, whichever is greater.
   A tiny home, to be used as a single family dwelling or secondary residence, limited to one per lot.  Such tiny home shall not exceed one-half (½) of the ground floor footprint of the primary dwelling or four hundred (400) square feet in floor area, excluding lofts, whichever is lesser.
   Garages, workshops, storage and other accessory buildings not to exceed one thousand two hundred (1,200) square feet.
   Horticulture, viticulture, and nurseries, limited to those activities suitable for the size of land and related conditions surrounding the property.
   Manufactured homes. It shall be set on an excavated and backfilled permanent foundation such that the home is located not more than twelve inches (12") above grade, except when placed on a basement foundation. The manufactured home shall have a pitched roof and exterior siding and roofing which in color, material and appearance is similar to the exterior siding and roofing material commonly used on residential dwellings.
   Parks and recreational facilities controlled and maintained, either by the city or a responsible homeowners' association approved by the city council.
   Single-family dwelling, limited to one per lot.
   Small farm animals and poultry shall be kept under sanitary conditions. Particular emphasis shall be placed on maintaining an adequate control over odors emitted and on adequate pest control. All poultry and animals shall be kept within adequate fenced enclosures or buildings.
   Structures used to house and care for animals not to exceed one thousand (1,000) square feet.
   Temporary sales offices, construction trailers, or storage facilities for subdivisions or building sites, during the period construction work is in progress, but such temporary facilities shall be removed upon completion of the construction work. All temporary buildings shall be set back at least ten feet (10') from all property lines. Continuation of such facilities beyond the completion date of the project shall require a special use permit.
   The keeping of household pets in a dwelling unit or other location adjacent to or accessory to a dwelling unit (e.g., outside doghouse, etc.) provided that no more than three (3) household pets shall be kept outside of dwelling units unless a greater number is authorized by special use permit. (Ord. 398, 8-14-2009; amd. Ord. 456, 7-11-2019)