§ 90.09 VICIOUS DOG.
   (A)   Definition. A VICIOUS DOG is one which has bitten without provocation any person or domestic animal while the person or domestic animal was not, at the time of the biting, trespassing on the property of the dog’s owner or doing damage or injury to persons or property of the owner.
   (B)   Prohibited. No person shall keep, harbor, own or shelter a vicious dog within the city limits.
   (C)   Surrender of dog. If a person is found by the city court to own, harbor or otherwise keep a vicious dog, the judge, besides any other penalties provided herein and imposed upon such person, may issue an order directing the owner or keeper to forth with surrender the dog to the city or other named party. In the event that the person or other person harboring such animal fails to surrender it, the dog may be seized by city employees or other party named by the court and the seizing party may enter private property to do so. The judge may order the dog destroyed or, at the discretion of the judge, the dog may be ordered removed from the city.
(Prior Code, § 4-3A-8) (Ord. 7-050409, passed 5-4-2009) Penalty, see § 90.99