The Mayor has the power to:
   (A)   Communicate to the Council, at the beginning of every session and more often if considered necessary, a statement of the affairs of the city with such recommendations as the Mayor considers proper;
   (B)   Recommend to the Council such measures connected with the public health, cleanliness and ornament of the city and the improvements of the government and finances as the Mayor considers expedient;
   (C)   Call special meetings of the Council;
   (D)   Cause to be presented, once in three months, a full statement of the financial condition of the city;
   (E)   Bid for the city on any property sold at a tax or judicial sale whenever the city is an interested party;
   (F)   Procure and have in the Mayor’s custody the seal of the city;
   (G)   Take and administer oaths;
   (H)   Cause ordinances of the city to be executed;
   (I)   Approve all ordinances and resolutions adopted by the Council; and
   (J)   Perform such other duties as may be prescribed by law or resolution or ordinance of the Council.
(Prior Code, § 1-5-3)
Statutory reference:
   Related provisions, see MCA § 7-5-4102