(A)   Signage allowed. One illuminated sign or bulletin board shall be permitted on each street side if located on the same site as the principal building.
   (B)   Maximum size. No sign or bulletin board shall exceed 24 square feet in area.
   (C)   Location.
      (1)   Side or rear property lines. No sign shall be located closer than eight feet from any side or rear property line.
      (2)   Front yard. A sign or bulletin board located in the front yard shall be no closer to the street line than one-half the required front yard.
   (D)   Affixed to building. A sign or bulletin board affixed to a building shall not project higher than one story or ten feet above the ground level, whichever is lower.
   (E)   Ground signs. Ground signs shall be permanently anchored to the ground and shall not exceed a height of six feet.
   (F)   Corner lots. On corner lots, no sign shall be so constructed or so located that will obstruct the view of traffic approaching the street intersection.
(Prior Code, § 10-4-4) Penalty, see § 153.999