(A)   The salaries of the municipal officers and employees shall be in such amounts as the City Council may fix from time to time as required and shall be made a matter of record in the minutes of the Council.
   (B)   The City Attorney’s salary shall not include services in representing the city in any court, nor to revision or writing of ordinances, nor services rendered in connection with such proceedings, in which cases reasonable compensation shall be paid on a per diem basis, such per diem to be periodically negotiated and set forth in a fee and presentation agreement or memorandum between the city and the City Attorney.
   (C)   Each officer herein mentioned shall be regularly paid quarterly.
   (D)   Where salaries of other employees are not provided for by this section, they shall be in such amounts as the City Council may fix from time to time as required and shall be made a matter of record in the official minutes of the Council.
(Prior Code, § 1-4-1)