(A) Rules of interpretation. This code shall be construed by the following rules unless the construction is plainly repugnant to the legislative intent or context of the provision.
(1) Words and phrases shall be taken in their plain, ordinary and usual sense. Technical words and phrases having a peculiar and appropriate meaning in law shall be understood according to their technical import.
(2) Words imputing joint authority to three or more persons shall be construed as imputing authority to a majority of the persons, unless otherwise declared in the section giving the authority.
(3) Where a section requires an act to be done which, by law, an agent or deputy may perform in addition to the principal, the performance of the act by an authorized deputy or agent is valid.
(4) Words denoting the masculine gender shall be deemed to include the feminine and neuter genders; words in the singular shall include the plural, and words in the plural shall include the singular; the use of a verb in the present tense shall include the future, if applicable.
(B) Definitions. For the purpose of this code of ordinances, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
CLERK-TREASURER. The Clerk and Fiscal Officer of the Town of Plainfield.
CODE. The Plainfield Town Code.
COMPUTATION OF TIME. The time within which an act is to be done, as herein provided, and shall be computed by excluding the first day and including the last. If the last day be Sunday it shall be excluded.
COUNCIL. The Town Council, formerly known as the Board of Trustees.
COUNTY. The County of Hendricks, State of Indiana.
ET SEQ. The Latin phrase meaning “and the following”.
GENDER. Words used in the masculine gender shall include feminine and neuter.
HIGHWAY. Includes bridges, roads and streets, unless otherwise expressly provided.
I.C. Refers to state law found in the Indiana Code.
MAY. Is permissive.
MONTH. One calendar month.
MUST and SHALL. Are each mandatory.
OATH. Includes an affirmation of declaration in all cases in which, by law, an affirmation may be substituted for an oath, and in such cases the words SWEAR and SWORN shall be equivalent to the words AFFIRM and AFFIRMED.
OWNER. Applied to a building or land, includes any part owner, joint owner, tenant in common, joint tenant, tenant by the entirety, of the whole or a part of such building or land.
PERSON. Extends to and includes person, persons, firm, corporation, copartnership, trustee, lessee, receiver and bodies politic. Whenever used in any clause prescribing and imposing a penalty, the terms PERSON or WHOEVER as applied to any unincorporated entity shall mean the partners or members thereof, and as applied to corporations, the officers or agents thereof.
PERSONAL PROPERTY. Includes every kind of property except real property.
PRECEDING and FOLLOWING. When referring to sections or divisions in this code, refer to the sections or divisions next following or next preceding that in which the words occur, unless some other section is designated.
PROPERTY. Includes real and personal property.
PUBLIC PLACE. Any street or highway, sidewalk, park cemetery, school yard or open space adjacent thereto and any lake or stream.
REAL PROPERTY. Includes lands, tenements and hereditaments.
REASONABLE TIME. In all cases where any provision shall require any act to be done in a REASONABLE TIME or REASONABLE NOTICE to be given any person, such reasonable time or notice shall be deemed to mean such time only as may be necessary in the prompt execution of such duty or compliance with such notice.
SIDEWALK. That portion of the street between the curb line and the adjacent property line intended for the use of pedestrians.
SIGNATURE or SUBSCRIPTION. Includes a mark when the person cannot write.
STATE. The State of Indiana.
STREET. All streets, highways, avenues, boulevards, lanes, courts, squares, roads, alleys, viaducts or other public ways in the town which have been or may hereafter be dedicated and open to public use.
SUBSTANTIAL PROPERTY INTEREST. Any right in real property that may be affected in a substantial way by actions authorized by planning and development laws of the state, including a fee interest, a life estate, a future interest, a present possessory interest or an equitable interest of a contract purchaser.
TENANT or OCCUPANT. Applies to a building or land and shall include any person holding a written or oral lease of, or who occupied the whole or a part of such building or land, either alone or with others.
TOWN. The Town of Plainfield, Indiana, or the area within the territorial limits of the Town of Plainfield, Indiana, and such territory, if any, outside of the town over which the town has jurisdiction or control by virtue of any constitutional or statutory provision.
TOWN COUNCIL. Means and includes all former references to the Board of Trustees.
TOWNSHIP. Guilford, Liberty and Washington Townships.
WRITTEN and IN WRITING. Include printing, lithographing or other modes of representing words and letters. Where the written signature of a person is required, the terms mean the proper handwriting of the person, or the person’s mark.
YEAR. One calendar year, unless otherwise expressly provided.
(I.C. 1-1-4-5(a))
(1991 Draft Code, § 1-3)
(A) If any section of this code now enacted or subsequently amended or its application to any person or circumstances is held invalid, the invalidity does not affect other sections that can be given effect without the invalid section or application.
(B) Except in the case of a section or amendment to this code containing a nonseverability provision, each division or part of every section is severable. If any portion or application of a section is held invalid, the invalidity does not affect the remainder of the section unless:
(1) The remainder is so essentially and inseparably connected with and so dependent upon the invalid provision or application that it cannot be presumed that the remainder would have been enacted without the invalid provision or application; or
(2) The remainder is incomplete and incapable of being executed in accordance with the legislative intent without the invalid provision or application.
(C) This section applies to every section of this code regardless of whether a section was enacted before or after the passage of this code.
(D) The repeal of a statute stating that the provisions of an act are severable as provided in division (B) above does not affect the operation of division (B) above with respect to that act.
(I.C. 1-1-1-8)
(1991 Draft Code, § 1-8)
Whenever in one section reference is made to another section hereof, the reference shall extend and apply to the section referred to as subsequently amended, revised, recodified or renumbered unless the subject matter is changed or materially altered by the amendment or revision.