(A)   Creation of Fund. Pursuant to I.C. 36-1-3-6, the town hereby creates and establishes a specific fund to be known as the County Communication Center Non-Reverting Equipment Replacement Fund, into which an amount not to exceed 10% of the Center’s annual operating budget shall be deposited on an annual basis. The Fund will remain in existence until such time as the town ceases to be the governing body of the Center. At which time, should there be monies in the Fund, all monies will be returned to the Center Operating Fund.
   (B)   Purpose of Fund. The purpose of the County Communication Center Non-Reverting Equipment Replacement Fund is to allow for the replacement and purchase of operating supplies and capital equipment to be used specifically for the day-to-day operations of the Center. Said supplies and/or equipment will be used strictly for the operational needs and purposes of the Center. These funds and the supplies and capital equipment purchased with these funds are for the specific use of the Center and not for the use by any entity being served by the Center.
   (C)   Responsibility for Fund. As detailed in the agreement, the Town Clerk-Treasurer shall be responsible for receiving and recording all funds to be deposited in such account and shall keep records as to the amounts received, the manner of their receipt, any disbursements and a current balance in such fund at all times.
   (D)   Deposit of funds. Upon the recommendation of the Board and the approval by the Council, the Town Clerk–Treasurer shall immediately transfer the recommended and approved amount from the Center’s Operating Fund into the County Communication Center Non-Reverting Equipment Replacement Fund. Any monies in the Fund will stay in the Fund until such time as the fund ceases to exist.
   (E)   Disbursement of funds. The Town Clerk–Treasurer is directed to only disburse funds from the County Communication Center Non-Reverting Equipment Replacement Fund hereunder upon receipt of a claim allowed and signed by the Executive Director of the County Communications Center as outlined in the town’s purchasing policy.
   (F)   Limitations on the use of funds. Any funds placed in the special non-reverting operating fund may not be withdrawn except for the purposes for which the Fund was created.
(Ord. 21-2010, passed 1-24-2011)