The company must agree to and shall furnish, without installation charge of monthly service fee, a free connection to the local police station facilities and one connection to all fire houses and any other building or buildings designated by the Town Council, and to all public and parochial, elementary and secondary schools located within the town.
(1991 Draft Code, § 4-100) (Ord. 2-1980, passed 3-24-1980)
The rates or charges which the company assesses is subscribers for cable television services shall be at all times fair and reasonable, and shall be established pursuant to a “proposed rate schedule” as submitted in writing by the company’s written “Cable Television Proposal for Plainfield, Indiana”, and thereafter modified at the sole discretion of the company.
(1991 Draft Code, § 4-101) (Ord. 2-1980, passed 3-24-1980)
(A) The company shall pay to the town, for and in consideration of the right and privilege to conduct cable television operations pursuant to a franchise, an annual fee in an amount equal to 3% of its monthly gross subscriber revenues derived from it cable television operations in the town, with each year’s fee due and payable to the Town Clerk-Treasurer by March 31, for the preceding calendar year.
(B) In the event of revocation or termination of a franchise, the final annual fee payment shall be prorated from the immediately preceding January 1 to the date of termination of service.
(1991 Draft Code, § 4-102) (Ord. 2-1980, passed 3-24-1980)