§ 112.08 REGULATION.
   (A)   The company shall, while operating under a franchise, maintain efficient cable television service in the town. However, the company shall not be liable for loss or damage caused by interruption or failure or service due to accident or breakdown to lines or equipment, strike, riot, act of God, or the public enemy or such other causes as are beyond its control, or due to shutdowns for reasonable periods to make repairs to equipment; but the company shall in such cases exercise proper diligence in repairing such equipment and resume operation of same without unnecessary delay.
   (B)   The company must adopt, and the Town Council must approve procedures for the investigation and resolution of complaints regarding its cable television operations. Notice of the procedures for reporting and resolving complaints shall be given to each subscriber at the time of initial subscription to the cable television system operated by the company. Further, the company shall have an area business office or agent for the purpose of receiving notice of, investigating and seeing that proper steps are taken to effect the resolution of any problems relating to service or other aspects of its cable television operations. The area manager shall have primary responsibility for the continuing administration of a franchise, and for the implementation of the procedures of this division (B).
   (C)   The town shall have access at all reasonable hours to all of the company’s plans, contracts and engineering, accounting, financial statistical, customer and service records relating to the property and the operation of the company and to all other records required to be kept hereunder.
   (D)   A copy of any and all rules, regulations, terms and conditions adopted by the company for conduct of its business shall be filed with the Town Clerk-Treasurer; and a copy shall also be available for public inspection at the office of the company.
   (E)   A franchise shall not in any way be construed as a license or permit to the company to engage in the sale or service of radio or television sets, appliances or parts.
(1991 Draft Code, § 4-98) (Ord. 2-1980, passed 3-24-1980)