In addition to having the powers and duties set forth in I.C. 36-8-9-4, and the statutory disciplinary powers set forth in I.C. 36-8-3-4 and 36-8-4-4.1, all of which are incorporated herein by reference, the Board shall:
(A) Keep records and make reports concerning the activity of the department as may be required by the Town Council or applicable law;
(B) Consult with the Town Manager, prior to making general and special rules for the government and discipline of the department and prior to making general and special orders to the department, concerning any issue other than disciplinary charges against a member of the department;
(C) Cause the Police Chief to consult with the Director of Public Safety and Town Manager on a monthly or more frequent basis, as may be required by the Town Council, concerning day-to-day operations, fiscal matters, and other administrative issues affecting the department; and
(D) Have all other powers and duties as provided by applicable law, policy, or procedure.
(1991 Draft Code, § 2-11) (Ord. 7, passed 12-13-1954; Ord. 18-2017, passed 8-14-2017; Ord. 34-2023, passed 11-27-2023)
Statutory reference:
Powers and duties of the Board as well as residency, see I.C. 36-8-9-4