There is established a Board of Metropolitan Police Commissioners for the town, effective January 1, 1955.
(1991 Draft Code, § 2-8) (Ord. 7, passed 12-13-1954)
Statutory reference:
Board of Metropolitan Police Commissioners, see I.C. 36-8-9-1 through I.C. 36-8-9-6
(A) The Board of Metropolitan Police Commissioners shall consist of three commissioners appointed by the Town Council.
(B) The commissioners must be of good moral character and legal residents of the town.
(C) Not more than two of the commissioners should be of the same political party, and no police officer currently employed by the town may serve on the Board.
(D) One, but not more than one, member of the Town Council shall be appointed to serve as an ex officio member of the Board, which member shall serve on the Board until the earliest to occur of: (1) s/he is no longer a member of the Town Council; (2) the expiration of his/her Board term; or (3) s/he is removed from the Board by the Town Council and a replacement is appointed.
(E) Except as necessary to establish staggered terms, commissioners shall be appointed to serve three-year terms, which expire on January 1 of the third year after the commissioner’s appointment. The term of one board member must expire each year.
(F) Each commissioner is subject to removal by the Town Council for any cause that the Town Council considers sufficient or for no cause.
(G) All provisions provided by state law concerning the oath, bond, and compensation of commissioners are incorporated herein by reference.
(1991 Draft Code, § 2-9) (Ord. 7, passed 12-13-1954; Ord. 17-2017, passed 8-14-2017)
Statutory reference:
Qualifications, terms, removal, oaths, bonds and compensation, see I.C. 36-8-9-3
(A) The enactment of this subchapter is in accordance with the will and mandate of the legal voters and citizens of the town, pursuant to an election held on Tuesday, November 2, 1954, at which said election a majority of the legal voters so voting did vote in favor of the abolishment of the office of Town Marshal and the establishing of a Board of Metropolitan Police Commissioners.
(B) The said election aforesaid was held pursuant to the statutes of the state.
(1991 Draft Code, § 2-10) (Ord. 7, passed 12-13-1954)
Statutory reference:
Establishment of the Board, see I.C. 36-8-9-2