   The owner of each new or existing dwelling unit, hotel motel, hospital, nursing home and residential-custodial care facility shall install smoke detectors as required by this subchapter.
   (A)   The owner of each presently existing dwelling unit, hotel, motel, hospital, nursing home, jail, prison and residential-custodial care facility which is located within the boundaries of the town shall install and maintain in good working order smoke detector(s) as required by this subchapter.
   (B)   The owner of each hotel and motel shall also be subject to I.C. 22-11, Chapter 18.
   (C)   No residential property may be sold or traded in the town unless and until the seller installs or provides for the installation of smoke detectors in accordance with the requirements of this subchapter. This requirement may be met by the seller placing in an escrow account for the use of the buyer sufficient funds to pay for said installation.
(1991 Draft Code, § 6-110) (Ord. 9-90, passed 5-14-1990) Penalty, see § 95.999