   It shall be a violation of this chapter to interfere with or impede a Humane Officer or other authorized agents of the town in the performance of their duties as set forth in this chapter.
(1991 Draft Code, § 6-31) (Ord. 1-90, passed 2-28-1990) Penalty, see § 91.99
   (A)   All animals found to be at large, stray or being a nuisance may be taken by the Humane Officer, police or other authorized agents of the town and impounded.
   (B)   If any dangerous, ferocious or vicious animal is found at large cannot be safely taken up and impounded, such animal may be tranquilized or humanely euthanized to prevent undue suffering, by a police officer, Humane Officer or other authorized agents of the town.
   (C)   Impounded dogs without town tags (licenses) must be kept for a reasonable period of time but not less than three working days before being adopted out or euthanized after their impoundment.
   (D)   Impounded dogs with town tags (licenses) shall be kept for not less than three working days to permit their owners to claim them. After the expiration period of time has elapsed, these dogs may be placed for adoption or euthanized if their owners have not claimed and paid the required fees.
   (E)   All other impounded animals (except dogs which are specifically covered herein) shall be under the authority of the animal shelter. The animals shall be held at least one day, after which time the animal shelter shall have the authority to take whatever action is necessary with regard to adoption or euthanasia for such animals.
   (F)   An owner reclaiming an impounded animal shall be liable for all animal shelter fees for each day the animal has been impounded for food, board and related expenses.
   (G)   Immediately upon the impounding of dogs or other animals, the agent of the town shall make every effort possible to notify the owner of the animal being impounded and shall further notify the owner of the conditions under which the owner may regain custody of the animal.
   (H)   In addition to, or in lieu of impounding an animal found at large, the Humane Officer, police or other agent of the town may issue to the owner of such an animal a warning notice of an ordinance violation. Said warning notice shall state that the person is in violation of this chapter and that he or she has seven days in which to comply. The warning notice shall contain the date, time, name and address of the violator, the ordinance section violated, nature of the violation, location of the violation, the name of the officer issuing the warning notice and the telephone number of the officer to contact for information. Additionally, a citation may be issued which shall contain the date, time, name and address of the violator, the ordinance section violated, the nature of the violation, location of the violation, the name of the officer issuing the citation and instructions as to disposition of the citation.
   (I)   No unlicensed dog shall be released from an animal shelter without a license being issued in accordance with this chapter.
   (J)   Nothing contained herein shall limit the animal shelter’s authority to take whatever action is reasonably necessary to deal with a sick or injured animal.
   (K)   If upon release, any animal is again found to be at large, the animal shall be impounded, and the owner shall be subject to the penalty provisions of § 91.99, as well as the citation procedures set forth above.
(1991 Draft Code, § 6-32) (Ord. 1-90, passed 2-28-1990) Penalty, see § 91.99
§ 91.23 REMEDIES.
   The Humane Officer, police officers of the Town Metropolitan Police Department, Code Enforcement Officer, Building Inspector or other agents authorized by the Town Council shall, in the name of the town, bring actions in the Town Court or the Circuit or Superior Courts of the county, for mandatory and injunctive relief in the enforcement of and to secure compliance with any order or orders made by the Humane Officers, police officers of the Town Metropolitan Police Department, Code Enforcement Officer, Building Inspector or other agents authorized by the Town Council and any such action for mandatory or injunctive relief may be joined with an action to recover the penalties provided in this chapter.
(1991 Draft Code, § 6-34) (Ord. 1-90, passed 2-28-1990)