Except as otherwise provided by applicable law, and unless directed otherwise by the Town Council, the Town Manager:
(A) Shall attend meetings of the Town Council, Board of Zoning Appeals, Plan Commission, and other such meetings as requested by the Town Council; shall advise the Town Council of all events, proposals, or inquiries that may have an impact on the town; shall receive complaints and assemble available facts and information to aid the Town Council in responding to significant complaints and issues; and shall recommend actions he or she deems necessary or desirable;
(B) Shall serve as Secretary of the Plainfield Plan Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals;
(C) Shall hire town employees, other than those in the Town Police Department, Town Court, and Town Clerk’s office, to fill positions authorized by the Town Council in accordance with pay schedules and standards fixed by the Town Council or applicable law;
(D) Shall assist in the management of all town departments, and shall receive reports from department heads with respect to day-to-day operations and administrative matters;
(E) Shall supervise all town personnel, may impose discipline, and, subject to the approval of a majority of members of the Town Council, may discharge or remove town employees, except for members of the Plainfield Police Department, Town Court, and Town Clerk’s office.
(F) Shall administer the execution and enforcement of all resolutions, orders, and ordinances of the Town Council and shall see that all state laws required to be administered by the Town Council, or other town officer subject to the control of the Town Council, are faithfully administered;
(G) Shall direct the Town Controller to prepare and present the town budget and shall keep the Town Council apprised of all budgetary expenditures and requirements as they occur;
(H) May, subject to all applicable state laws and town ordinances, policies, and procedures, execute contracts and make purchases on behalf of the town;
(I) May delegate any of his or her powers to employees responsible to him or her;
(J) May receive service of summons on behalf of the town; and
(K) Perform such other legally permissible and appropriate duties and functions as may be required by the Town Council from time to time.
(1991 Draft Code, § 2-24) (Ord. 1-75, passed 3-10-1975; Ord. 14-2017, passed 7-24-2017; Ord. 34-2023, passed 11-27-2023)
Statutory reference:
Duties of the Town Manager, see I.C. 36-5-5-1 through I.C. 36-5-5-8