For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ABANDONMENT. To deposit, leave, drop off or otherwise dispose of any domestic animal on any public or private property without providing immediate human care.
   AGENT. Person(s) 18 years or older authorized by an owner to act in the owner’s behalf.
   ALTERED ANIMALS. Any animal that has been operated on to prevent it from procreating.
   ANIMAL. Any live non-human vertebrate creature, domestic, wild or exotic.
   ANIMAL SHELTER. A facility operated by a humane society, the county or a facility operated by authorized agents for the purpose of impounding or caring for animals held under the authority of this chapter or state law.
   AT LARGE. Any animal that is not under restraint.
   AUCTIONS. Any place or facility where animals are regularly bought, sold or traded, except for those facilities otherwise defined in this chapter or state law.
   BREEDER. Any person who for compensation causes the breeding or selling of any dog or cat or makes any dog or cat available for breeding purposes.
   CATTERY. Any person, group of persons, partnership, corporation or association owning or harboring more than three cats.
   CIRCUS. Includes performances given by traveling companies on vacant lots where tenants, or some other kind of temporary enclosure, where performances are given for a fee. Performances may include, but are not limited to: trained animal acts, races, feats of horsemenship, acrobatics, strength, trapeze acting or clowns.
   COMMERCIAL ANIMAL ESTABLISHMENT. Any pet shop, grooming shop, auction, riding school, stable, zoological park, circus, performing animal exhibition, kennel or any display or show of wild or domestic animals in a shopping center or mall, retail establishment or adjacent lot for the purpose of promoting retail sales.
   DOMESTIC ANIMAL. Any animal that is a member of one of the following species:
      (1)   Dog (Canis Familiaris);
      (2)   Cat (Felis Cattus or Felis Domesticus);
      (3)   Cattle (Bos Domesticus or Bos Taurus or Bos Indicus);
      (4)   Horse (Equus Caballus);
      (5)   Donkey (Equus Asinus);
      (6)   Pig (Sus Scroffa);
      (7)   Sheep (Ovis Aries);
      (8)   Goat (Capra Hircus);
      (9)   Rabbit (Oryctolagus Cuniculus);
      (10)   Mouse (Mus Musculus);
      (11)   Rat (Rattus Rattus);
      (12)   Guinea pig (Cavis Procellus);
      (13)   Chinchilla (Chinchilla Langier);
      (14)   Hamster (Mesocriecetus Auratus);
      (15)   Gerbil (Gerbillus Gerbillus);
      (16)   Mink; and
      (17)   Cow or ox (bovine) and all domestic animals defined in I.C. 15-17-2-26.
   EXOTIC ANIMAL. Any animal whose normal native habitat is not indigenous to the continental United States, excluding Alaska and Hawaii, except fish and fur bearing animals commercially bred for the furrier trade and birds defined under federal regulations, and non-poisonous snakes and reptiles.
   EXPOSED TO RABIES. Any human or non-human warm blooded mammal that has been bitten or in contact with any other animal known or reasonably suspected to have been infected with rabies.
   FOWL. Any kind of wild or domestic bird.
   FRESH PURSUIT. The immediate following of any animal that is found to be at large and not on the owner’s property.
   GROOMING SHOP. A commercial establishment where animals are bathed, clipped, plucked or otherwise groomed.
   GUIDE DOGS. Dogs trained to assist the handicapped.
   HARBORING. The actions of any person that permits any animal habitually to remain or lodge or to be fed within his or her home, store, enclosure, yard or place of business or any premises on which such person resides or controls. An animal shall be presumed HARBORED if it is fed or sheltered for three consecutive days.
   HUMANE OFFICER. Any person(s) designated by the state, county or the town, as an officer who is qualified to perform the duties required by the law of this town and state regarding animals.
   KEEPERS. Veterinarians and operators of kennels, pet shops, boarding kennels, grooming shops and stables temporarily keeping animals owned by or held for sale to other persons.
   KENNEL. Any premises wherein any person engages in the business of boarding, breeding, buying, letting or keeping more than three dogs for hire, training for a fee or selling.
   OWNER. Any person age 18 years or older owning or harboring one or more animals.
   PET. Any animal kept for pleasure rather than utility.
   PET SHOP. Any person, group of persons, partnership or corporation whether operated separately or in connection with another business enterprise, that buys, sells or offers for sale any species of animal.
   PUBLIC NUISANCE. Any animal or animals which:
      (1)   Interfere with passersby or passing vehicles;
      (2)   Attacks other animals or persons;
      (3)   Is at-large;
      (4)   Damages private or public property;
      (5)   Barks, whines, howls or makes other sounds common to its species in excess; and
      (6)   Causes foul or noxious odors which offend residents in the neighborhood.
   RABIES VACCINATION. The injection, by a licensed veterinarian, of a dog, cat or other animal with a rabies vaccine licensed by the U.S.D.A. and approved by the State Board of Health.
   RESTRAINT. The securing of an animal by leash or lead or confining it within the real property limits of its owner or agent.
   RIDING SCHOOL or STABLE. Any place that has available for hire, boarding and/or riding instruction, any horse, pony, donkey, mule or burrow.
   RODEO. A performance featuring bronco riding, steer wrestling, calf roping, greased pig contest or bull riding.
   STRAY. Any animal that is not under restraint and or upon reasonable inquiry by a Humane Officer does not appear to have an owner.
   VETERINARIAN. Any person licensed and accredited to practice veterinary medicine in the state.
   VICIOUS ANIMAL. Any animal that has, without provocation, attacked a human being or other animal, or an animal that by its behavior or physical condition constitutes an immediate and serious physical or health threat to human beings or animals, or any animal which has previously attacked or bitten any human being or other animal on two or more occasions.
   WILD ANIMALS. Any animal not a domestic or exotic animal, with the exception of small, nonpoisonous aquatic or amphibious animals and small cage birds, which are normally found in the wild state.
   ZOOLOGICAL PARK. Any facility, other than a pet shop or kennel, displaying or exhibiting one or more species of non-domesticated animals operated by a person, partnership, corporation or governmental agency.
(1991 Draft Code, § 6-12) (Ord. 1-90, passed 2-28-1990)