§ 51.110 MONITORING.
   (A)   The town reserves the right to inspect, sample, and analyze food service and industrial discharges in the following manner:
      (1)   The sample types will be the same type as required in the IWP discharge authorization issued by the controlling legal authority or in accordance with this chapter (§ 51.098).
      (2)   The samples will be collected at the sample location specified in the IWP or discharge authorization issued by the controlling legal authority.
      (3)   A sampling and inspection program shall be implemented for, at a minimum, all IWP facilities, facilities authorized to discharge and any food establishments with regulated grease traps. All of these facilities will be inspected by the town or town’s authorized representative at a frequency that is specified in the discharge permit/authorization. Grease traps shall be inspected annually by the regulated entity. Proof of inspection shall be submitted to the town by the regulated entity.
      (4)   All regulated facilities will be required to collect and test samples and submit monitoring reports as required by the discharge permit or discharge authorization.
      (5)   The self-monitoring analytical results of the samples will be submitted to the town and IDEM by the 28th day of the month following the month in which the samples were taken.
      (6)   The town will keep a record of each industrial inspection it performs. A copy of each IWP inspection report will be sent to the PUWWS with the annual report.
   (B)   The town will immediately sample and analyze the POTW influent and effluent for suspected pollutant(s) when the POTW operation is upset. The town will immediately contact PUWWS and IDEM’s compliance evaluation section by telephone at the time of the occurrence. The results of each analysis conducted as a result of an upset will be submitted to PUWWS.
(Ord. 06-2017, passed 5-22-2017)