(A)   The maintenance and repair of sanitary sewers owned by the town shall be the responsibility of the town. The maintenance and repair of trunk lines are the responsibility of the town only if an easement has been granted to the town and the line has been accepted by the town as a public line.
   (B)   All repair and maintenance of lateral sewers, including the tap into the trunk line, shall be the responsibility of the property owner. Before installation or repair of a private lateral sewer, the property owner shall first secure a permit as provided by § 51.007 of this chapter and post the bond required therein to insure proper replacement of town property.
   (C)   The town may require a property owner to repair or replace the sewer lateral if an excessive amount of infiltration of storm or ground water enters the town sewage system or if actual physical defects are found in the lateral. Tests used to determine defects in sewer laterals include smoke testing, camera inspection, and other methods approved by the Council. The town has the sole authority to determine if a lateral needs to be repaired or replaced. If the town completes repairs that are the responsibility of the property owner as set forth in this section, the town shall require payment from the property owner of all expenses for such repair.
   (D)   Until defective laterals as described in division (C) of this section have been repaired to the satisfaction of the town, the town reserves the right to impose a surcharge to cover the cost of treating the excessive clear water that is infiltrating through the defective lateral. The surcharge would remain in place until the lateral is properly repaired or replaced.
   (E)   All repair and maintenance of privately owned lift stations and sewers shall be the responsibility of the property owner, who shall first secure a permit as provided by § 51.007 of this chapter and post the bond required therein to insure proper replacement of town property.
   (F)   The town has the right to inspect privately owned lift stations and sewers and may require the owner to maintain, repair, or replace privately owned lift stations and/or sewers that are determined to be in need of maintenance, repair or replacement. The town has the sole authority to determine if a privately owned lift station and/or sewer needs to be maintained, repaired, or replaced. If the town completes repairs that are the responsibility of the property owner as set forth in this section, the town shall require payment from the property owner of all expenses for such repair.
   (G)   In all instances where a sewer is excavated under a town street, the ground shall be hauled away and the excavation backfilled in accordance with town standards..
   (H)   Whenever any repairs are made to the sewer system, the Superintendent shall inspect and approve, in writing, the installation before the backfill is put in.
   (I)   All work in the maintenance or repair of sanitary sewers shall be performed according to the latest edition of the town’s construction standards.
(Ord. 06-2017, passed 5-22-2017)