The following abbreviations, when used in this chapter, shall have the designated meanings:
AAS - Alkyl Arial Sulfonate
ABS - Alkyl Benzene Sulfonate
ASTM - American Society for Testing Materials
BOD5 - Biochemical oxygen demand - five day
BMP - Best management practices
BMR - Baseline monitoring report
CFR - Code of Federal Regulations
CA - Control Authority
CIU - Categorical industrial user
COD - Chemical oxygen demand
CSO - Combined sewer overflow
EPA - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - Washington D.C.
EPA Region V - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region V - Chicago, Illinois
ERP - Enforcement response plan
FOG - Fats, oils, and grease
gpd - gallons per day
IAC - Indiana Administrative Code
IC - Indiana Code
I/I - Inflow and infiltration (clear water flow)
IDEM - Indiana Department of Environmental Management
IOSHA - Indiana Occupational Safety & Health Act
IU - Industrial user
IWP - Industrial wastewater pretreatment permit
MGD - Million gallons per day
mg/l - milligrams per liter
MSDS - Material safety data sheet
NPDES - National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
NSCIU - Non-significant categorical user
O&M - Operations and maintenance
POTW - Publicly owned treatment works
PUWWS - IDEM’s pretreatment and urban wet weather section
RCRA - Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
SIC - Standard industrial classification
SIU - Significant industrial user
SNC - Significant noncompliance
TSS - Total suspended solids
U.S.C. - United States Code
(Ord. 06-2017, passed 5-22-2017)