Individual lots within an overall subdivision that receives development plan approval from the Plan Commission to be developed pursuant to this Article may be granted a waiver of the development requirements specified in this ordinance to the extent permitted below:
      (1)   Minimum lot area, except as provided below.
         (a)   The minimum lot area requirements shall remain applicable to all lots which abut the perimeter of a subdivision section.
         (b)   The minimum lot area for all lots which do not abut the perimeter of a subdivision section may be reduced in area up to the extent provided for below:
Minimum Lot Area
20,000 sq. ft.
10,000 sq. ft
7,000 sq. ft.
         (c)   When a minimum lot area requirement is reduced as provided for in this Article for the first tier of lots in from the perimeter of a subdivision, a provision shall be made for a landscape and buffering area of not less than:
            1.   Fifty feet in dimension between said first tier of lots and any perimeter street; or
            2.   Thirty feet in dimension between said first tier of lots and the perimeter of that portion of the overall subdivision for which this waiver is being requested, with landscaping and buffering details equivalent to a Level 5 (see Article 4.7 - Landscape Provisions) and as approved by the Plan Commission in connection with the approval of a development plan pursuant to this Article.
      (2)   Minimum lot width, except as provided below.
         (a)   The minimum lot width requirements shall remain applicable to all lots which abut the perimeter of a subdivision section.
         (b)   The minimum lot width for all lots which do not abut the perimeter of a subdivision section may be reduced in area up to the extent provided for below:
Minimum Lot Width
80 ft.
70 ft.
60 ft.
         (c)   When a minimum lot width requirement is reduced as provided for in this Article for the first tier of lots in from the perimeter of a subdivision, a provision shall be made for a landscape and buffering area of not less than:
            1.   Fifty feet in dimension between said first tier of lots and any perimeter street; or
            2.   Thirty feet in dimension between said first tier of lots and the perimeter of that portion of the overall subdivision for which this waiver is being requested, with landscaping and buffering details equivalent to a Level 5 (see Article 4.7 - Landscape Provisions) and as approved by the Plan Commission in connection with the approval of a development plan pursuant to this Article.
      (3)   Minimum front yard, except as provided below.
         (a)   The minimum front yard requirements may be reduced as follows:
            1.   To 25 feet for any portion of a structure with a front loading garage; or
            2.   To 15 feet for any portion of a structure containing finished floor area or a side-loaded garage.
         (b)   In those subdivisions where, in the determination of the Plan Commission, the product type may present a similar or repetitive appearance from lot to lot, a provision shall be provided on the plat or through other legally binding documents satisfactory to the Plan Commission, to:
            1.   Create a variable build-to line; or
            2.   Assure significant variation will exist in the design and appearance of adjacent single-family dwelling units;
      (4)   Maximum lot coverage, except as provided below. The maximum lot coverage may not exceed:
Maximum % of Lot Coverage
      (5)   Minimum side yard and aggregate side yard requirements.
         (a)   The minimum side yard and aggregate side yard requirements may be reduced in compliance with the following:
Minimum Side Yard
Aggregate Side Yard
5 ft.
20 ft.
5 ft.
15 ft.
0 ft.
15 ft. (between buildings)
         (b)   Provided, however, where a minimum side yard of less than five feet is approved, a procedure shall be provided, recorded and maintained as part of the secondary plat for the continual maintenance of that portion of any structure that is located within five feet of the side yard.
      (6)   Minimum rear yard requirements. The minimum rear yard requirements of the applicable zoning district shall remain applicable to all lots.
      (7)   Lot frontage on a public street. The requirement for lot frontage on a public street and for each lot to gain direct access from said public street or an abutting alley may be waived to allow for direct access from a lot to a private street or private alley.
      (8)   Compliance. The requirement for each single-family dwelling to demonstrate compliance with the Town of Plainfield Residential Design Guidelines may be waived to allow for the provision of: alternate architectural embellishments or building design features; alternate open space accommodations; alternate vehicular design and pedestrian circulation accommodations; or alternate building materials which are determined by the Plan Commission to be superior to the recommendations of the Town of Plainfield Residential Design Guidelines.
(Ord. 21-97, passed - -1997; Ord. 3-2000, passed - -2000; Ord. 11-2004, passed 6-14-2004)