§ 2.18 INTENT.
   The MU Mixed Use District is established to promote the development of an urban environment. The regulations are intended to encourage mixed use development that includes low intensity retail/commercial or office uses adjacent to or in combination with residential uses. The development standards in this District are designed to: promote a residential friendly urban character of development; encourage the maintenance and renovation of historic structures; encourage a pedestrian oriented design throughout the District; and, maintain an appropriate pedestrian scale, massing and relationship between buildings and structures within the District.
(Ord. 21-97, passed - -1997; Ord. 32-2005, passed 5-9-2005; Ord. 04-2019, passed 1-14-2019)
(Ord. 21-97, passed - -1997; Ord. 32-2005, passed 5-9-2005)