(A)   It is recognized that the water utility must limit the allowable flow to that flow which maintains 20 pounds per square inch pressure in water utility main. The water utility typically can provide approximately 1,500 gallons per minute at 20 pounds per square inch.
   (B)   Private fire pumps and private water storage will typically be required in cases where greater than the allowable flow and/or pressure is required for a connection. The minimum requirement for private water storage shall be based upon the requirement for the fire pump to be tested at 150% of its rated capacity. Thus, the rated capacity of a fire pump system absent private water storage shall be two-thirds of the allowable flow resulting in a typical rated capacity of 1,000 gallons per minute. The water utility requires that all private fire pump systems be provided with a pressure sensing control device which automatically throttles the flow via a control valve placed on the discharge side of the fire pump. Connections which require fire pumps and/or water storage shall be independent and specific to each building. The customer shall provide the water utility with the necessary observations and design calculations such that the meter and connection sizing can be coordinated.
(Ord. 19-97, passed 12-22-1997)