(A) In accordance with the Act, offers will be deemed to be opened when a computer generated record of the information contained in all bids received from pre-qualified responsive and responsible bidders is reviewed publicly at the close of the bidding period for the reverse auction in the presence of one or more witnesses at the time and place designated in the invitation for bids by the purchasing agency (or an authorized representative of the purchasing agency, including the purchasing agent).
(B) The purchasing agency, and any of its agents or employees are prohibited from displaying for public viewing the amount of each initial bid price until the close of the initial bidding period for the reverse auction. The purchasing agency is required to protect the identity of a bidder and the prices which have been submitted by each bidder until the initial bid has been placed until the reverse auction begins, at which time bids will be deemed opened.
(Res. 2007-24, passed 11-12-2007)
(A) In accordance with I.C. 5-22-7-8, the purchasing agency must award a contract for the purchase of supplies with reasonable promptness by written notice to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder.
(B) If the contract is not awarded to the lowest bidder, the purchasing agent must indicate the reasons for the award in writing.
(C) As provided in the invitation to bid, the third party conducting the reverse auction may impose a fee as a term of the contract for a purchase made by means of a reverse auction.
(Res. 2007-24, passed 11-12-2007)
(A) A fully executed purchase order must be filed with the Clerk-Treasurer within 30 days after the award of a contract of a purchase of supplies through a reverse auction in accordance with I.C. 5-22-18-5.
(B) Payments for supplies purchased in a reverse auction shall be made only after receiving properly submitted claims in accordance with I.C. 5-11-10 and I.C. 36-5-4.
(Res. 2007-24, passed 11-12-2007)